Introduction to Biology Bio-= Life -logy- Study of Biology- Study of Life
Types of Life
5 Characteristics of Life Cells- most basic unit of life. (Organization) Ex. Animal, Plant, Bacteria
2. Energy Animals Plants Eat Food Collect Sunlight Cell Respiration Photosynthesis
3. Respond to Environment React to external stimuli Example: Birds Migrate, Shivering in Cold
Homeostasis Maintenance of a stable internal environment. Temperature Heart Rate Breathing
4. Grow and Develop Start at a small size and grow larger and develops in order to survive. Changes over time. Example- 1. Baby -> Adult 2. Seed -> Plant
5. Reproduction- create new living organisms Asexual 1 parent/ 2 identical offspring Sexual 2 parents/ 1 genetic different offspring Combination of sperm & egg
5 Characteristics of Life Cells Energy Respond to Environment Grow and Develop Reproduce THESE ARE NOT CHARACTRISTICS OF ALL LIFE MOVING BREATHING EATING DANCING
Levels of Biology Micro- = small Biochemistry- atoms, bonds, molecules Cell Biology-parts & function of cell Genetics- heredity Macro- = Large Evolutionary theory Ecology- organisms relating to one another Botany- study of plants Zoology- study of animals
Fields of Biology Anatomy - The study of body parts and their locations (ana = up, tom = to cut) Physiology - The study of how various body parts function (physio = nature)
Botany - The study of plants (botan = grass, pasture) Cytology - The study of cells (cyto = cell) Ecology - The study of the interrelations between organisms and their environment (eco = house)
Genetics - The study of genes and heredity (gene = origin, birth) Microbiology - The study of bacteria and other microscopic organisms (micro = small) Zoology - The study of animals (zoo = animal)