Ins and Outs of the F31/F30 NRSA Fellowships CCTR Workshop, April 14, 2015 Carmen Sato-Bigbee
The Review Forms Understand what the reviewers will be looking for in your application = Excellent Training Potential
NIH scoring instructions
Applicant The NIH style CV should contain as much as possible information on productivity = Not only published/accepted papers. Also list manuscripts in preparation/submitted and posters/presentations at scientific/university meetings. Don’t forget any awards. The CV should also indicate the courses and grades for both undergraduate and graduate studies, GRE or MCAT scores The letters of reference should be from people that really know you !!! Include your committee members and Graduate Program director. Undergraduate teachers know the one you used to be…but you’re probably much better now !!! For MD-PhD students in particular and if your study includes human samples, try to include as Co-Sponsor or Collaborator a physician with related expertise Clear Career Goals
Sponsor, Collaborators, Consultants If only 0-1 students have graduated from the Sponsor’s lab, the application needs to include a Co-Sponsor with more extensive mentorship experience. If the project includes an area or technique outside of the Sponsor’s or Co-Sponsor’s expertise, the application also needs a Collaborator or Consultant. This is not considered a weakness but a highly positive aspect of the training. Make sure to include their formal letter of collaboration. If the Sponsor’s funding does not cover the proposed training period, include a Co-Sponsor with funding in a related area or that provides training in additional expertise The Co-Sponsor also needs to include a CV and a letter confirming his/her agreement of co-mentorship participation. If the Sponsor is/will be supported by university start-up funds or funding from a Department/Institute, this commitment needs to be stated in a letter from the Chairperson/Director.
Research Plan The instructions indicate “No Preliminary Results needed”. However, in today’s funding situation this is not true, you need them !!! The plan needs to be focused and appropriate for the period of training requested The Aims should be related but not interdependent = If Aim 1 doesn’t work there is no Aim 2……That’s a killer ! The proposal should be reviewed by the Sponsor and Committee members Include Statistical Analysis Include as much detail as possible in the protocols Every Aim must conclude with a section on Expected Results and Potential Caveats and Alternative Strategies Check both Spelling and Grammar !!!
Training Plan This section is written by the Sponsor and should be student-specific and include all of the following points: Clearly indicate what THIS Applicant doesn’t know and how he/she is going to receive training in these areas. If the Applicant has experience in everything there is no need for training !!! Include learning new techniques, animal models, animal manipulation, pathology, physiology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, etc. Stress training by the Co-Sponsor/Collaborators. Formal courses in which the Applicant lacks training. Examples: Immunology project needs Immunology course. Statistics. Outside courses. Summer training programs. Attendance and participation in journal clubs, formal seminars, university meetings, National and International scientific conferences. Training in manuscript writing, grant preparation, and oral presentations. Career advice.
Make sure your plan of activities is in agreement with the training plan written by your Sponsor Excellent research plan with mediocre Training plan does not get funded !!!