1 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 MDEP: QLPR MDEP Title: Law Enforcement & Other Provost Marshal Services Mr. Fred Bucher
2 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 AGENDA MDEP QLPR LE Definition QLPR Advice Requirements Justification Non-validation Reasons Program Objectives, Standards, Measures and Metrics
3 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 Law Enforcement Force Protection: MDEP QLPR (xxxx75.A0) Definition: All personnel and operating costs associated with law enforcement to include but not limited to salaries, overtime, benefits, material and supplies, equipment and facilities, vehicles, training and management, such as (but not limited to): protective services details, including advance work; response forces; and military police. Installation Provost Marshal activities. Provide services for protection of people and property, enforcement of laws, and maintenance of order; excludes security guards (see xxxx75.L0). Conduct traffic, game warden, and special event enforcement; civil liaison with civil law enforcement agencies. Investigate crimes. Manage the Military Working Dog Program. Register vehicles and weapons. Collect and analyze crime statistics. Prepare and distribute military police reports and related documents. Respond to incidents. AWCF Indicator: 2,3.
4 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 Confinement Services – Pre-Trial & Limited Post Trial: MDEP QLPR (xxxx75.N0) Definition: Manage and administer military confinees in contracted facilities for pre-trial and post trial (not to exceed (30) days) status. Prepare, process and maintain confinement records and prisoner reports. Provide guard services for transfer of prisoners between facilities.
5 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 Requirements Methodology Web based tools (ASAR Schedule 75) is the Army’s data collector. Instructions are submitted via RFG to all MACOM’s. Functional validated requirements. Historical execution was reviewed. Reviews of Combatant Command (CC) Integrated Priority Lists were conducted and requirements compared to MACOM input. Looked at “Essential Requirements” as defined. PBDs & PDM were reviewed.
6 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 QLPR Advice What to DO –BLUF (bottom line up front) – clearly state the 5 “W”s –Include enough justification detail for DA to validate (citing an Installation Master Plan is not a justification that DA can validate) –Use one request for other personnel needs, training, etc. –Create discreet requests – one job or product per entry –Review MDEP descriptions
7 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 QLPR Advice What NOT to do –Request funding for ATOs & FPOs ATO & FPO training FP exercises SIPRNet & STU-IIIs Fire stations and EOCs (Fire stations are funded by HQUSACE) Relocate parking areas –Same dollar amounts across the years for single item purchases –Split MCNG costs –Forget O&M “tail”
8 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 Law Enforcement Force Protection: Definition: All personnel and operating costs associated with law enforcement to include but not limited to salaries, overtime, benefits, material and supplies, equipment and facilities, vehicles, training and management, such as (but not limited to): protective services details, including advance work; response forces; and military police. Installation Provost Marshal activities. Provide services for protection of people and property, enforcement of laws, and maintenance of order; excludes security guards (see xxxx75.L0). Conduct traffic, game warden, and special event enforcement; civil liaison with civil law enforcement agencies. Investigate crimes. Manage the military working dog program Register vehicles and weapons. Collect and analyze crime statistics. Prepare and distribute military police reports and related documents. Respond to incidents. AWCF Indicator: 2,3. HQDA-validated request: Apr 02 JSIVA, AR CT#1-8. Procurement of 68 personnel required to man the AT/FP mission, includes DA Police Initial Issue, Uniform & Equipment. The PMO presently employees 5 civilian police officers, requesting an additional 4. A request for TDA change will be completed for 68 DA police officers. This requirement is established in AR ,The Army Civilian Police and Guard Force Program & Chapter (FM ). QLPR JUSTIFICATION EXAMPLE
9 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 Non-validation reasons Not QLPR funded – passed over to QPSM for validation Already covered by PM-PSE project J34 approves/SOLIC funds (hard cars) RTDE, not QLPR funded Requests relating to access control Contract Guards One Lump Requests
10 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES, STANDARDS, MEASURES, and METRICS OBJECTIVES: Provide services for the protection of people and property, enforce laws and maintain order. Conduct traffic, game warden, and special event enforcement. Register vehicles and weapons. Investigate crimes. Respond to incidents. STANDARDS: 100% response to incidents; 100% vehicle and weapons registered; 100% of crimes investigated. MEASURES: Percentage of incident responses, percentage of vehicles and weapons registered, and percentage of crimes investigated. METRICS: Objectives met according to the standard and level of funding. OBJECTIVES: What are the measurable goals of the program? (i.e. 100% trained FAO’s in all assigned positions) STANDARDS: To what level? (i.e. school training and annual certification) MEASURES: By what definition do you measure success? (i.e. percent of students passing school; percent of annual certification) METRICS: What is the current status of the program? (i.e. 90% fill rate in 2003, with 90% passing school and 93% certified) OBJECTIVES: What are the measurable goals of the program? (i.e. 100% trained FAO’s in all assigned positions) STANDARDS: To what level? (i.e. school training and annual certification) MEASURES: By what definition do you measure success? (i.e. percent of students passing school; percent of annual certification) METRICS: What is the current status of the program? (i.e. 90% fill rate in 2003, with 90% passing school and 93% certified)
11 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 Questions
12 Office of the Provost Marshal General DAPM-MPD-LEDAPM-MPD-LE 5/7/2007 HQDA (DAPM-MPD-LE) Office of the Provost Marshal General 2800 Army Pentagon Washington D.C Mr. Fred W. Bucher Voice (DSN 225) Fax – (DSN 225)