Do you have any special programs at the church? No ! Put Christ Back in Christmas Christmas.


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Presentation transcript:

Do you have any special programs at the church? No ! Put Christ Back in Christmas Christmas

George Washington’s Birthday Put Christ Back in George Washington’s Birthday Do you have any special programs at the church? No !

Not Told When Jesus Was Born A. Don’t know the year B. Don’t know the month or day Bible doesn’t say Most likely not December 25 Adopted in 3 rd or 4 th century

Dates Suggested For The Birthday of Christ January 6 March 25 January 10 May 20 December 25 Every month of year !

The exact date of Jesus' birth is unknown; the legendary date of December 25 cannot be traced back farther than the fourth century. - (The Wycliffe Bible Commentary)

Considerations about Christmas Christmas Christ is just as precious as if he had been born today !

Considerations about Christmas Christmas If Christ had been born today we would not know about his.... BirthLife Miracles Teaching Death, Burial, Resurrection Church

Considerations about Christmas Christmas We can rejoice in Christ 365 days a year ! Phil. 4:4 Phil. 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always.”

Can Christians observe Christmas ? Yes ! As individuals / families Like July 4 th No religious significance 1 Cor. 10:25-32

God Revealed the day of His Resurrection 1 st day of Week Mark 16:8-9 Luke 24:1-47 Lord’s Day - Rev. 1:10 Lord’s Supper Lord’s Supper - Acts 20:7

Considerations about Christmas Christmas Drinking is on increase at this time of year... Commercialization of the season... Let’s put Christ back in Christmas

Put Christ Back in George Washington’s Birthday Put Christ Back in George Washington’s Birthday Feb Lincoln’s birthday Feb. 2 nd July 4 th Thanksgiving June 10 th ? Feb. 22

WORSHIP Sunday - Rev.1:10 - WORSHIP FEAR Monday - Ecl.12: FEAR GOOD Tuesday - Gal.6:10 - GOOD ASSEMBLE Wed. - Heb.10:25 - ASSEMBLE WELL DOING Thur. - Gal.6:9 - WELL DOING CROSS Fri. - Luke 9:23 - CROSS HARVEST Sat. - John 4:35 - HARVEST Put Christ in Every day....

Ps. 118:24 Ps. 118:24 “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Put Christ in Every day.... Remember His BirthHis LifeHis Death

Put Christ in Every day.... Put Christ in Every Christian “Christ Liveth in Me”. Gal. 2:20

Let us put Christ back in our lives - every day. Only way to get Into Christ Gal. 3:27 Gal. 3:27 “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”

Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga Sunday Morning Dec. 25, 05