WRITING WORKSHOP …HOW IT WORKS. What is WRITING WORKSHOP? A time for you to get individual, one-on-one time with your teacher (me) to focus on YOUR strengths.


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Presentation transcript:


What is WRITING WORKSHOP? A time for you to get individual, one-on-one time with your teacher (me) to focus on YOUR strengths and weaknesses as a writer. A time for you to talk to me and ask me questions if you don’t understand a particular concept about writing.

HOW DOES IT WORK? 1.Procedure – Staggering Due Dates  For each major writing assignment students will have different due dates.  Students will be divided into groups: Group A, Group B, Group C, Group D, and Group E  For each paper, we will spend at least 1 week conferencing.  For the first paper, Group A will conference first. Then, for the next paper, Group B will conference first (and Group A will go last), etc…  Please don’t fret if you get an early conference date the first time around – that simply means that you will get a later due date next time!

How Does It Work? (cont.) 2.Conference Details 2.The paper is DUE on the conference date (all rough drafts must be handwritten first, and final copies may be typed). 3.You will each conference with me individually, and you will be given a “Conference Sheet,” to take notes on while we look at your paper. 4.We will discuss the paper, and then we will look at areas for improvement. 5.We will use a rubric to grade the paper, and the student will take notes on areas that need improvement on the Conference Sheet (up to 10 items at a time).

You will fill this sheet in during the conference… up to 10 items.

How Does It Work? (cont.) 3.Option for Resubmission  At end of conference  Grade goes in RenWeb  You may then take the conference sheet your paper if desired  this is not mandatory if the first grade is acceptable  1 week from your conference date to re-submit paper for a better grade.  In order to re-submit, you must follow the guidelines that I will give you EXACTLY.  If you don’t follow these guidelines, I will not accept your re- submission.  Each step in process is crucial to your growth as a writer…leaving out a step is like “cheating yourself.”

How Does It Work? (cont.) Resubmission Guidelines to Follow: 1.HIGHLIGHT AND NUMBER THE CORRECTIONS ACCORDING TO THE CONFERENCE SHEET  For example, if #1 on the conference sheet was to correct run-on sentences, then you would highlight run-ons and write a “1” by them throughout the paper.  If #2 on the sheet stated that you needed more evidence to support a point, then you would include said evidence in the revised paper and highlight it/label it with a “2.” 2.I will provide a separate “Grammar Corrections” sheet for you to use when you resubmit a paper.  For each grammar mistake made, you should write out the rule for that mistake (one time only per error).

You will fill in each column (note that you do not have to write out a specific rule for content errors)

Grammar Rule Resources: You may use Writing Resources books from class You may also use either of the following websites (please don’t just google the grammar rule, as you will get “answers” that may or may not be correct. I have checked both of these websites and am fine with you using them to look up grammar rules):  Grammar Bytes Website:  Owl at Purdue Website:

YOUR Assignment Persuasive/Research Essay Assignment Instructions:


YOUR Assignment (cont.)  Due Dates (get out your agendas, please):