Hello from Walsall Disability Forum Welcome to you all
“ Opening the door to Partnership through the door to Partnership through Adapted Adapted Housing ” Housing ”
Introduction Andrew Moult Development Officer Walsall Disability Forum and founder member of the Walsall Adapted Housing Service
How we started briefly We discussed our plan with Social Care and Inclusion, Housing and Walsall Partnership. We discussed our plan with Social Care and Inclusion, Housing and Walsall Partnership. Over an 18 month period we worked hard to reassure partners of any risks and potential outcomes and impacts. Over an 18 month period we worked hard to reassure partners of any risks and potential outcomes and impacts. We set up a steering group that became the board and drove ever forward together. We set up a steering group that became the board and drove ever forward together.
What we achieved in our first year…… Target was 5 adapted properties Target was 5 adapted properties We housed 13 people with a disability or impairment We housed 13 people with a disability or impairment Nearly 3 times more Nearly 3 times more than our set than our set annual target ……. annual target …….
What are the benefits…….. The Housing partners and the local authority saved over 216k in the first year The Housing partners and the local authority saved over 216k in the first year People with disabilities needing adapted properties were re-housed in properties People with disabilities needing adapted properties were re-housed in properties that met their needs that met their needs Local Hospital’s saved on bed blocking Local Hospital’s saved on bed blocking Efficiently and quickly meeting the needs of clients saving the Social Services time and money Efficiently and quickly meeting the needs of clients saving the Social Services time and money
How do we run the service…. The service is run and maintained by Partners and the Board. The service is run and maintained by Partners and the Board. The service is run on a 27k budget The service is run on a 27k budget The service is run with a P/T Admin post The service is run with a P/T Admin post
How do we pay for the Service? By means of a subscription from partners who benefit and who hold housing stock. By means of a subscription from partners who benefit and who hold housing stock. The Budget is set according to Housing Agencies’ Stock The Budget is set according to Housing Agencies’ Stock
For example…… Subsciriptions were based on property numbers Provider Contribution Walsall HG£4,500 Walsall HG£4,500 WATMOS £1,000 WATMOS £1,000 Caldmore HA £1,000 Caldmore HA £1,000 Accord HA £1,000 etc,……. Accord HA £1,000 etc,……. Giving a total of £28,189.51
Savings in first year DFGs £ 182,500 tPCT £10,400 RSL £9,650 Other £13,900 Total £ 216,450 Average cost based on these totals is £16,650 *Other costs refers to social care and inclusion costs. DFGs £ 182,500 tPCT £10,400 RSL £9,650 Other £13,900 Total £ 216,450 Average cost based on these totals is £16,650 *Other costs refers to social care and inclusion costs.
Process for the client Occupational Therapist or Specialist Service Person assessed for their needs with their family Matched to a vacant property at WAHS Appointment arranged to view property Referral form completed Service user signs up to tennancy
Happy customer Process to recycle a property Match made at WAHS Vacant property inspected ☺ Referral forms Housing partners
Walsall as a whole…… 253,000 residents 253,000 residents 54 th out of 354 in 2000 for multiple deprivation 54 th out of 354 in 2000 for multiple deprivation 44.3% not own a car, more reliant on public transport 44.3% not own a car, more reliant on public transport 14.9% BME nearly double national average 14.9% BME nearly double national average Mostly rented accommodation Mostly rented accommodation “61,000 homes needed in the Black Country” Express and Star Oct
22.4%Disabledorimpaired The bigger story…… %ageing 20.4% Long term illness 32.4%livealone 84% use supportservices and Nearly25% with mobility or arthritic problems
Disability Facilities Grants 70% applications owner occupier 70% applications owner occupier 30% rented 30% rented 75% over £1,000 75% over £1, requests last year, 450 this year 600 requests last year, 450 this year 192 given last year, 250 available this year 192 given last year, 250 available this year Pot however over 3 years getting smaller. Pot however over 3 years getting smaller. Our BME responsibilities In the last year 6% BME housed in adapted properties. In the last year 6% BME housed in adapted properties.
People on our register in 2008 March 2008 of 194 registered clients: 83% White British 7.5% Asian 10.5% Unknowns To date we have just over 200 clients which includes suspended clients.
How are clients categorised? Critical 74 Critical 74 Substantial 38 Substantial 38 Moderate 28 Moderate 28 Awaiting categorisation 64 Awaiting categorisation 64 Remainder matched, in process of being categorised, matched or suspended. Remainder matched, in process of being categorised, matched or suspended.
Disability Category listings to date… CAT 1 = 131 CAT 2 = 35 CAT 3 = 24 UN = 4 A fully wheelchair adapted property with lift and necessary hand rails. A fully wheelchair adapted property with lift and necessary hand rails. Property with ramped access and one or two steps. Property with ramped access and one or two steps. Property with ramped and level access no lift but necessary handrails. Property with ramped and level access no lift but necessary handrails. Category not assigned Category not assigned
The future make better use of existing resources/housing; make better use of existing resources/housing; reduce number of empty adapted properties improving the turnaround time reduce number of empty adapted properties improving the turnaround time avoid unnecessary spending on adaptations through Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) avoid unnecessary spending on adaptations through Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) improve the quality and quantity of information about the housing needs of disabled people and existing adapted housing improve the quality and quantity of information about the housing needs of disabled people and existing adapted housing develop the web site develop the web site
About Walsall Adapted Housing Service …….. 13 Housing Agencies representing over 90% of the borough housing. 13 Housing Agencies representing over 90% of the borough housing. Occupational therapists, Social workers, Doctors, Housing Officers, Hospital professionals. Occupational therapists, Social workers, Doctors, Housing Officers, Hospital professionals. On average clients at any one time On average clients at any one time 4 properties matched in the last 3 weeks 4 properties matched in the last 3 weeks
How much have we saved so far? A £16,000 B £80,000 C £180,000 D £500,000
How much have we saved…. £750,000
Savings Save up to £30,000 per property Save up to £30,000 per property Administration and telephone call costs minimised Administration and telephone call costs minimised Quicker turnaround of property and client Quicker turnaround of property and client
Executive summary - Out and About Care Service Improvement Partnership NHS “functional impairment and the physical and medical needs of an individual should not be barriers to independence and whole lifestyle needs.” “more responsive and more people centred move towards furthering service around people, not people around services.”
The system should work around me
But life isn’t a game…………. We need to remember what are the expectations of our clients We need to remember what are the expectations of our clients e.g. independence, sometimes they want a direct telephone call e.g. independence, sometimes they want a direct telephone call near to family, near to family, A home of their own A home of their own Security and warmth Security and warmth
Model of Good Practice We have been recognised as a model of good practice nationally. We have been recognised as a model of good practice nationally. We have presented the model in Caimbridge and Leeds during June and July 08. We have presented the model in Caimbridge and Leeds during June and July 08. We have since been asked to give a presentation in Kent this November. We have since been asked to give a presentation in Kent this November. We are very proud of our service and partnership approach. We are very proud of our service and partnership approach.