Global Warming: The Disaster By: Nabeel Effendi
Overview of the presentation What is global warming? What is the greenhouse effect? Who causes global warming? What are the effects of global warming on the environment? The law and global warming Jeopardy game on global warming
What is global warming? Global warming is the process of which the earth`s average temperature is significantly increasing due to the greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect
What is the greenhouse effect? The green house effect is the process of which the sun`s energy is absorbed in the atmosphere. Atmosphere: The layer of air which surrounds the earth. The atmosphere is mainly made up of oxygen.
How does the greenhouse effect occur? Greenhouse Gases: Any type of gases that absorb the energy in the atmosphere. These gases include water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane nitrous oxide, HCFC, ozone, sulfur and fluoride. These gases can be harmful to the environment. The greenhouse effect starts when greenhouse gases enter the earth`s atmosphere. The atmosphere is then polluted by the greenhouse gases. These gases absorb the majority of the sun`s energy. The warm energy is later radiated back to the earth in large amounts which causes the earth`s temperature to rise.
What are the sources of this problem? The sources of this problem are greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are what cause the greenhouse effect which causes global warming. The main greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Although greenhouse gases cause global warming, greenhouse gases are caused by people. The activities that people do cause greenhouse gases.
What human activities create greenhouse gases? There are many human activities that create greenhouse gases. Burning things like fossil fuels, garbage patches, and forests all create methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. Also, landfills and gas leaks create methane. Most fertilizers used for agriculture create nitrous oxide. In addition to that, most forms of pollution (car idling, oil spills, industrial gas waste) creates greenhouse gases. Therefore, human activities are the ultimate source of global warming.
What environment problems are caused by global warming? 1. Severe harsh weather (storms, hurricanes, etc) 2. Polar ice caps melt 3. Acid Rain 4.Spread of disease
Harsh Weather: Global warming increases the earth`s average temperature. This can sometimes result in natural weather disasters such as hurricanes and intense storms. These natural disaster can harm eco-systems and damage human property (buildings). An example of this was when Hurricane Katrina hit the US in 2005. Hurricanes like these are often caused by global warming.
Polar ice caps melting: Since global warming is causing the earth`s temperature to increase, the ice caps in the north are now melting. This causes polar bears to die since they lose their habitat. Polar bears are on top of their food chain so when they die their prey gets over populated which ruins the food chain. This ultimately hurts the environment.
Acid Rain: When humans create greenhouse gases, the gases enter the atmosphere. When there is an immense amount of toxic harmful gases in the atmosphere, the gases together form an extremely large and dark cloud. These clouds are very acidic and harmful to the environment. Once these clouds rain all of the acids from the gases enter the environment. This rain is called acid rain, and it is caused by global warming. Acid rain pollutes body of water, and it can kill any plants, and animals that consume it. Therefore, acid rain is very harmful to the environment.
Spread of diseases: One of the most harmful effects of global warming for humans are that global warming increases the spread of disease. Usually insects migrate towards the south when it is winter in southern Canada. Now the northern parts of Canada are slowly getting warmer, so insects migrate north as well. These insects that are going to new place can also bring diseases with them. For instance if the northern part of Canada is warm enough then mosquitoes would migrate north bring diseases like malaria with them.
What areas of the world does global warming affect? Global warming affects the entire world as a whole. This is because global warming doesn`t only increase the average temperature of a certain area but it increases the average temperature of the entire world. The effects of the warmth varies for each part of the world. In some areas there is more of an environmental impact then other areas. Some place that are heavily impacted by global warming include: the very northern and very southern parts of the world, Britain, the Alps, Siberia, Australia, Sudan, Bangladesh, and the Caribbean.
Northern and Southern parts of the world: The northern and southern parts of the world are primarily made of polar ice caps, glacier, and snow. Since, the earth`s temperature is rising the snow is beginning to rapidly melt. This is causing a drastic change in those areas since not many people live there but there are many animals living there. When the ice melts the animals drown and die. So global warming is a affecting the northern and southern parts of the world.
Britain, Australia, the Caribbean and Bangladesh: Great Britain, Australia, and Bangladesh are areas that are heavily surrounded by oceans. Since global warming causes the ice in the north and south to melt then the ocean water levels will increase resulting in flooding in costal areas (Britain, Australia, Bangladesh, and the Caribbean).
Sudan: As we already know global warming causes the earth to warm up. This causes extreme hot weather conditions, and it prevents moist climates and rain. These extreme conditions result in a lack of rain causing drought. Now in a place like Sudan it doesn`t rain often, and the country isn`t a developed nation who could transport food resources. So the country must grow their own crops. The lack of rain makes it difficult to grow crops. When global warming causes even less rain then the people can`t grow crops. This will result in the people of Sudan not having an abundant food supply.
How Global Warming can be resolved: -If people stop idling cars/stop using cars and find alternative ways of transportation (e.g. bikes) -If water and other natural resources are used sustainably -If eco-friendly home appliances/eco-friendly home tools (light bulbs) are used more often -If there is less industrial waste created -If there is less plastic produced every year -If everyone produces less garbage -If renewable sources of energy are used more often
Global Warming and the law: There aren't any laws that prevent people from causing global warming, because global warming is caused by the everyday normal things that people do (e.g. use cars), but there are some laws that prevent people from doing something that causes global warming.
Laws in Canada preventing global warming: In most areas in Canada (e.g. Oakville) it is illegal for anyone to idle there cars in the summer In most areas in Canada there is a maximum amount of toxic waste that can be discharged into the atmosphere There is also a limit to how much carbon dioxide factories can dispose into the environment Some fertilizers used for agriculture purposes create greenhouse gases, therefore most of the fertilizers that create huge amount of greenhouse gases are banned, and they can not be used. An example of a fertilizer like this would be Weed n Green
Global warming and climate change As we can see the world's average temperature is increasing and the carbon dioxide concentration is also increasing. This is all caused by global warming.
Jeopardy game on global warming How to play: 1) Go to the following link 2) Pick the amount of players or team that are playing (1,2, 3, etc), then click start 3) There are 5 categories with 5 questions each. each question is worth 100-500 points each. The questions get more difficult if they are worth more. The first participant chooses a question from a category of their choosing and the points of their choosing by clicking on that question. 4) Then, the question will appear, the participant must answer the question. 5)Once the participant has answered the question they click "correct response", if there answer is the same as the answer on the screen then they would get that many points. 6) Next, to get the points you must click on the + button once. If the answer was wrong then the participant must press -.Then to continue the game the participate must click continue after receiving or withdrawing points. 7) All of the participants must take turns until there are no questions left to answer. 8) Whoever has the most points at that time is to be declared the winner.
The End