Geography of China Chapter 15 Section 1 When you see this symbol, you will need your text to answer a question.
Location Distance and physical barriers limited contact with other civilizations –Did have contact through: (see page 324) Trade Missionaries Invaders
Landforms 3.7 million sq. miles –Most live in an area less than ½ the size of the US WHY?(See page ) Live where land can support farming West-Plateaus and mts. (80%) East-Coastal Plain Built terraces -Small, flat fields on the sides of hills and mts. What do they do to create more farmland? (see page 325)
Regions The Heartland –North and South China(orange area) –Farming and industry
Regions Northeast-once called Manchuria –Rich natural resources
Regions Mongolia –Part own country (Outer Mongolia-Green) –Part occupied by China (Inner Mongolia- Yellow) –Harsh climate
Regions Xinjiang (Northwest) –Desert –oil
Regions Xizang (Southwest) –Formally Tibet –Mountainous
Summary Describe why the Heartland contains much of China’s population. Most of China’s population lives in the Heartland because…
Rivers Huang He River Other names (See page326): -Yellow River -River of Sorrows -massive flooding -Caused 4 million deaths from starvation Characteristics -Empties into the Yellow Sea -Yellowish color from loess Loess is (see page 326) –Called River of Sorrow WHY? (see page ) yellow, brown, rich soil that mixes with water
Rivers Chang River –Carries much of China’s trade to: (see page 327) Xi River (shee) Oceangoing trade Shanghai
People 1/5 of the world’s population 95% are Han-ethnic Chinese Speak many dialects of Chinese –Mandarin is the official language Here is the Chinese name for Ashley:
Assignment Create a list of 7 review questions about the geography of China. –Write the questions on the front of the paper and the answers to the questions on the back of the paper.