Distributive Justice John Rawls
Which is better? MusicCheese 65
Rational Choice Theory 1234 A17111 B5555 C4467 D50 7 Dominance: Pick the option that is at least as good as every other in every outcome. (D) Use every time it applies
Rational Choice Theory 1234 A17111 B5555 C4467 Maximin: Choose the option with the greatest minimum. (B) Use when risk is significant
Rational Choice Theory 1234 A17111 B5555 C4467 Maximax: Choose the option with the greatest maximum. (A) Use when risk is insignificant
Rational Choice Theory 1234 A B55555 C Maximize Expected Utility: Choose the option with the greatest (weighted) average. (C) Use in intermediate cases
Rawls’ Theory: In order to determine what society is just: Start in the Original Position (behind the Veil of Ignorance) – Behind the VoI, nobody knows their race, gender, age, talents, personality, hobbies, interests, height, weight, etc. etc. etc. – They only have rationality and self-interest. The society that everyone would agree to from behind the veil is a just society.
Would you agree to… 1830s USA? – No, there are slaves there. Current USA? – No, some people get screwed over.
Two Principles of Justice 1.Choose the maximum liberty compatible with equal liberty for everyone. 2.Any inequality must be: a)Available in principle to everyone b)To the benefit of all, especially the least advantaged.
Think about: Wheelchair ramps/Handicapped parking spaces. Justifiable inequality? Economic benefits for economically disadvantaged persons?