HR 2014 Trends: The Age of Agility HR 2014 Trends: The Age of Agility 1
Agility “Agility is an organization’s ability to consistently identify and capture business opportunities more quickly than its rivals do” ◦ Harvard Business Review 2
Why is agility important? We work in a global market where access to information is at our finger tips and resources can be reallocated quickly to create competitive advantage Times are turbulent – there is a need to be continually sensing and responding to the market/environment in which we operate Agility means competitive advantage 3
Agility – operational, portfolio, strategic Ability to improve operations and processes ◦ Staff who are accountable ◦ Clear goals and objectives Ability to quickly reallocate resources from one portfolio to another ◦ Requires talent and managerial attention Ability to see strategically game changing opportunities ◦ Look forward, plan ahead and be ready to act 4
Agile Leaders Push boundaries and challenge old ways of doing things Encourage risk ◦ mistakes are okay as long as we learn from them Not interested in playing it safe ◦ Want to know what they can do – not what they can’t do 5
Agile Workforces Workforce has the attitude that work is something you do – not a place to go ◦ Flexible on work rules and where work is done Shift from time and attendance to specific targets and goals ◦ Balanced score card approach – what gets measured gets done Variable job assignments ◦ Skill set is transferable from one project to another 6
Agile – Organizational Structure Organizational charts are flat Employees need to be connected to information and knowledge ◦ Employees need to have access to the decision makers Titles are not as important as the ability to respond to customer needs and have impact on the outcomes of the business 7
Agile – Organizational Culture Learning environment Sharing of information Open communication; people checking in often to ask how members of the team are doing Sensitivity to “availability” as most do not work regular shifts 8
Agility – formula for success Agility = speed + flexibility + nimbleness 9