Bell-Ringer What do you know about the Baltimore Riots? What are the comparable to in history?
Here’s Some Background Information for You… On April 18, 2015 Freddie Gray was arrested by police in Baltimore. He was a 25 year old black man. He was injured during the arrest and sustained trauma to his spine. His injuries led to a coma.
Here’s Some Background Information for You… He died the next day leading the people of Baltimore to begin peaceful protests. Things got violent on April 27 th after the conclusion of Freddie Gray’s funeral. Protesters began to loot, riot, and damage property throughout the city. Some individuals continue to protest peacefully as well.
Here’s Some Background Information for You… On May 1 st, Gray’s death was ruled a homicide. Six officers were charged. The National Guard was deployed and currently Baltimore is no longer under curfew and rioting has subsided. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the incident and people have many passionate opinions.
Task For the Day You are going to read a set of documents with a ton of different information about the Baltimore riots. You may not like all of the things that you read, but I tried to include a wide range of opinions from a bunch of different people. Jot some notes down while you read each source and try to determine your own opinion about event.
Statement #1 Sometimes violence is the only answer.
Statement #2 Violence can only solve problems temporarily.
Statement #3 All cops are corrupt.
Statement #4 Non-violent methods can solve any problem.
Statement #5 The National Guard should have been deployed to stop the riots.
Statement #6 The rioters were all trying to help expose/solve a problem.
Statement #7 The Baltimore riots were justified.
Last Part! You will write a short essay ARGUING your opinion on the Baltimore riots. Make sure you use a few quotes from the documents. Also, address other opinions and offer counterarguments to prove your point!
Quote of the Day!