1 Background What is the Baltimore Project (BP)? Who is involved? Led by Pear Bureau NW 9 additional coalition members Contractors (SIAM, The Hale Group, & Euromonitor) Baltimore Project 3 rd Party Evaluations USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS
2 To maximize cost effective use of staff & funding (FAS & Industry) resources by collaborating in specific target markets where members share common target audiences and common constraints/opportunities Developing a collective strategic plan for the BP coalition Conducting collaborative research, training, & promotional activities to address common constraints/opportunities in common target markets Conducting 3 rd Party program evaluations in specific target markets Purpose of Collaboration USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS
3 BP Evaluations are unique Conducted at one point in time for multiple participants Conducted in two phases by two separate contractors Phase I: One contractor conducts research Phase II: Different contractor evaluates programs comparing research findings to UES & CPR’s Minimizes perceived bias Unique Two-Phased Approach to 3 rd Party Evaluations USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS
4 Cost Sharing Cost Effectiveness Minimizes Perception of Bias (by Program Detractors) Venue for Discussing Collaborative Activities & Sharing Information Value & Benefits to BP Members & their Stakeholders USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS
5 Cost of research and evaluation is paid via GBI MAP funds Members can preserve their base funding for promotions; not use it for evaluations 20 evaluations done in three markets for approximately $120,000 or $6,000 per evaluation More affordable for smaller organizations with limited resources Cost Sharing USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS
6 Research is done by one contractor at one time for multiple groups versus each group contracting separately for the same type of research Target audiences are only interviewed once by one contractor versus multiple times by multiple contractors FAS benefits from having research & evaluation done for multiple MAP participants Cost Effectiveness USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS
7 Researcher (Euromonitor) is not managed by Cooperators Evaluator (SIAM) conclusions & recommendations on program effectiveness are based on independent researcher’s findings Minimizes Perception of Bias by Program Detractors USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS
8 Completed Food Shows, multi-product promotions, market research Under consideration On-line technical training, food service promotion, trade & buyers missions Quarterly Meetings for Discussing Activities & Sharing Info USADEC PRESENTATION ON BALTIMORE GROUP 3 RD PARTY EVALUATIONS