My Life Timeline By Connie x
When I Was born in Hemel Hempstead hospital I Have A Twin Sister My First Christmas
2000 I had my first birthday My 2 nd Christmas My Dog Died
2001 Went On My First holiday to Florida. 2 nd Christmas Mum and Dad Spilt up
2002 A 19 year old boy in Germany killed 17 people! Started seeing my dad again
2003 I made friends with lots if people in primary school. My Little brothers was born (my dads side)
2004 My Brothers hamster died My auntie and uncle got married
2005 My little sister was born (on my dads side)
2006 I sniffed glue and it went up my nose My Dad and his girlfriend got married
2007 Went on hoilday to turkey with my mum, step dad, my two sisters and brother.
2008 I meat Bridie at Irish dancing! I Was a world champion at Irish dancing :~)
2009 Last year of primary school
2010 Went to royal Albert hall Left primary school
2011 The Coolest Year In January The Year Now