Maryland Morgan Zubke By
Geographer Capitol: Annapolis Region: North East Major City: Baltimore St. Mary City Assateague Area of State: 12,407 sq miles Baltimore at dusk Annapolis at the beach
Historian Maryland became a state: April 28, 1788 Maryland is the 7 th state in the united states In 1608 captain John Smith searched Chesapeake Bay These are pictures of captain John Smith
Economist Industries or Manufacturing products: Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals (medical drugs) Agriculture farming products: Fruit, Eggs, Pork, and Beef This is a picture of Pharmaceuticals
Political Scientist This is Maryland’s Governor: Larry Hogan This is the Lieutenant Governor: Anthony Brown
State Information Maryland Flower: The Black –Eyed Susan Maryland Dance: Square dancing Square dancing State Flower
State Information Maryland Nickname: The Free State Maryland Motto: Fatti maschii, parole femine Nickname Motto These are so other nicknames This is what the motto means