James Toher makes Meath minor cut Senior hurlers trounce Dublin’s Fingallians in the Leinster Hurling League. Trim 4-17, Fingallians 1-8. Junior Hurlers controversial draw with Na Fianna in Meath All County B League. Trim 1-12, Na Fianna 2-9. Senior Footballers beaten in Meath All county A League by Oldcastle. Trim 0-10, Oldcastle Refer to Trim GAA website for more details Our Website has been updated and will be re-launched second week of April. We will keep you posted re launch date U21 Hurlers win 1 st. Round of champioship
DateTimeCompetitionTeamOppositionVenueResult Results from last week Wed 23 rd March7.30PMB Hurling League Junior hurlingNa FiannaTrimTrim 1-12 Na Fianna 2-9 Sat 26 th. March3PMLeinster Hurling League Senior hurlingFingallians Dublin Trim Trim 4-17, Fingallians 1-8 Sun 27 th. March3PMA Football league Senior footballOldcastleTrimTrim 0-10 Oldcastle Fri 1 st. April8PMSenior Football Challenge Senior footballCortownTrimTrim 2-11 Cortown 4-6 Sat 2 nd. April5 PMU21 Hurling Championship U21 hurlingBoardsmillLongwoodTrim 3-9 Boardsmill 2-11 Sun 3 rd. April3.30 PM B2 Football league Junior footballWalterstown Trim 0-11 Walterstown 1-14 Fixtures for the coming week Mon 4 th. April8 PMB7 Football league Junior footballMoynaltyTrim Moynalty Reminder – All players should have paid up membership For payment contact Football: Fergal Flanagan and Sean Gilsenan Hurling :CJ Murtagh and Kevin Higgins
DateTimeCompetitionTeamOppositionVenueResult Results from last week Minor Football league Minor footballBallinlough/IInny Gaels BallinloughTrim 2-10 Inny Gaels 0-8 U14 Girls football U14 FootballKilbrideTrim 3-5 Kilbride 1-2 Fri 1 st. AprilTBCMinor Football league Minor footballSt ColmcillesTrimTrim 2-8 St Colmcilles 0-3 Fixtures for the coming week Sun 3 rd. April11AMU16 Hurling Championship U16 HurlingWolf TonesKilberryTrim Wolf Tones Sun 3 rd. April12.30PMU14 Football Girls DunboyneTrim Dunboyne Tues 5 th. April6.30PMU16 Football Championship U16 HurlingSkryne Trim Skryne Wed 6 th. April7PMU14 Football league U14 FootballSt MichaelsCarlanstownTrim St Michaels Sat 9 th. April10.30AMU10 Football Blitz U10 FootballTrim
U10 Football Blitz Saturday April 9th Trim GAA. Invited teams are: Ballivor GFC, Boardsmill Gaa Clann na nGael Gaa. The U8 Footballers will be playing between 10.30AM and 12.30PM U10 Footballers will be playing between 1pm and 3pm. Officiating of the matches will be conducted by Young Whistler Referees from Trim GAA Refreshments will be provided by parents of the Trim Footballers and Trim Juvenile Committee. Now that season is up and running and all underage teams are active the first meeting of all coaches and mentors of underage teams will take place. The meeting will review progress of teams,discuss issues arising and deal with any practical problems which may have been encountered. This is an important meeting of all coaches/mentors and a full attendance is required. Coaching Review Meeting - Monday 12th April at 8.30pm in Clubhouse.
Bingo Every Friday night at 8.45PM. Trim Bowls Club Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 11PM. Basketball Every Wednesday night at 8PM Parent & Toddler Group Monday and Wednesday Mornings – 12.00am Irish Dancing Saturday morning – Body Toning Classes Monday evenings 8.00pm – 9.15pm
Now taking bookings for Holy Communion on May 7 th & May 21 st Pitch Signage. Now taking bookings for pitch signage. To avail of this special opportunity at very special rates contact Gael Allen on