Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section TENCON’07 - Taipei A presentation to R10 Meeting, April Chung-Hsien Wu Secretary, IEEE Tainan Section
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Introduction Strong Sci-Tec Industries Semiconductor: IC Design Houses & Foundries Information: Computers and Communication Peripherals Active Academic Programs SOC VLSI/CAD IP 3C/IT Various Attractions Chinese Culture Gourmetic Cuisines Sight-seeing Spots, etc.
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Tentative Executive Plan Theme: To be decided Venue: The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Tentative Time: Monday 15 October -> Thursday 18 October, Local organization: Tainan Section and Taipei Section.
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Conference Venue The Grand Hotel
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Conference Venue and Facilities The Grand Hotel, Taipei 40 minutes from the international airport Shuttle service available
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Ballroom for keynote presentation and dinner/banquet Capacity for 800 people Audio and video equipment
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Conference room for keynote presentations 4 Rooms with capacities for: 400, 500, 180, and 399 people Additional small rooms are also available ISDN connection 250 inch screen with video projector and audio equipment
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Steering Committee Meeting Excellent view Audio and video equipment Privacy guaranteed
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Accommodation at the Grand Hotel Each of the eight floors represents a Dynasty in Chinese History distinctly reflected through the different paintings, furniture and overall décor. More than 2,000 3 → 5 star hotel rooms nearby. Exchange rate: $1.00USD = NT34
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Taipei– Capital of Taiwan
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Time Table Tentative Conference Date: Monday 15 October -> Thursday 18 October, ‒ Paper submission: 31 March 2007 ‒ Tutorial proposals: 15 June 2007 ‒ Notification of Acceptance: 30 June 2007 ‒ Camera Ready Paper: 30 July 2007 ‒ Registration: 31 Aug 2007
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Day 4: 3 parallel sessions, then plenary (to close the conference).. Schedule of Events MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday Plenary CocktailsDinner Plenary PM AM Tutorials Day 1: Maximum of four parallel tutorials. Day 2: Plenary, then 3 parallel sessions, then cocktail reception. Day 3: 3 parallel sessions, then dinner.
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Local Support and Sponsors IEEE Tainan Section and Taipei Section CAS/SP/SSCS Tainan and Taipei Chapter Academic National Taiwan University National Cheng Kung University National Chiao-Tung University National Tsing-Hua University Other Universities Research Industrial Technology Research Institute Chunghua Telecommunication Laboratories Government National Science Council Ministry of Education Industry TSMC UMC Etron Technology VIA Media Tek ALi MXIC SiS
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Successful Experiences Significant experience with conference organization. International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR) International Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ISANN 1994) The 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 13) 2001 International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM2001) International Conference on Comparative Assessment of Taiwan and Japan (ICCATJ 2003) 2004 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems IEEE Globecom 2002 Others Local organisation committee will implement top- level logistics.
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Local Organisation Preliminary Conference Committee : –Committee Chair: Prof. Jhing-Fa Wang (Tainan Section Chair) –Committee Co-Chair: Dr. Jyuo-Min Shyu (Taipei Section Chair) –Committee Vice-Chair: Prof. Ching-Ting Lee –Committee Secretary-Treasurer: Prof. Chung-Hsien Wu Prof. Shih-Chieh Chang –Committee Member: Prof. Bin-Da (Brian) Liu Prof. Jar-Ferr Yang Prof. Liang-Gee Chen Prof. Cheng-Wen Wu
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section CONFERENCE BUDGET REVENUE –Registration fees: 300 persons x USD /person = USD 90, –Tutorial fees: 25 person x 4 x USD 50.00/person = USD 5, Total Revenue USD 95,000.00
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section CONFERENCE BUDGET EXPENSES (1) –Conference’s attendees cost: 300 person x 3 days x USD /person/day (venue, 2 coffee breaks, lunch) = USD 45, –Tutorial’s attendees cost: 25 person x 4 x USD30.00/person/day = USD 3, –Administrative cost:(Secretariat, publications, printing, etc) = USD 25, –Tutorial cost: (2 overseas tutors ) = USD 4, –Guest speakers: ( 2 overseas guest speakers) = USD 4,000.00
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section CONFERENCE BUDGET EXPENSES (2) –Internal Meeting expenses = USD 1, –Paper Selection Meeting expenses = USD 2, –Conference meeting expenses = USD 3, –Miscellaneous = USD 3, –Reserve = USD 5, Total Expenses USD 95,000.00
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section Transportation of the Grand Hotel The Grand Hotel provides free shuttle service. Available every 20 ~ 30 minutes.
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section The National Palace Museum Protecting and preserving the 7000-year cultural legacy of China From an Imperial Art Collection to a National Museum The Exhibitions of the Museum: Shows of Originality and Beauty 15 minutes from the conference venue
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section The Yangmingshan National Park 30 minutes from the conference venue
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section About Taiwan
Chung-Hsien Wu, Secretary IEEE Tainan Section For Your Approval Thank You