Muscles of the Anterior Thigh Adductors and Quadriceps Link
Fig. 53.—Muscles of Thigh (Anterior View). 1, Tensor fascia femoris; 2, ilio-tibial band; 3, vastus externus;4, gracilis ; 5, sartorius ; 6, rectus femoris ; 7, vastus internus ;8, ligamentum patella; 9, iliacus; 10, psoas ; 11, pectineus ;12, adductor brevis ; 13, adductor longus; 14, adductor
GRACILIS Most superficial adductor Gracilis= “slender” Much larger in the cat Unique in that it inserts on the tibia (along with sartorious) GRACILIS
GRACILIS O- Pubis I- Medial epicondyle A- Adducts thigh, flexes & medially rotates leg (at the knee)
“Adductors” Adductor Magnus (large) Adductor Longus (long) Adductor femoris in cats Adductor Longus (long) Adductor Brevis (short) deep to longus won’t see in the cat All ADDUCT, LATERALLY ROTATE, FLEX THIGH
ADDUCTOR MAGNUS O-inferior pubis/ischial tuberosity I- linea aspera/medial epicondyle A- Adducts thigh Superior fibers: flex/laterally rotate thigh Vertical fibers: extend thigh
ADDUCTOR LONGUS O-Pubis I- Middle 1/3 of linea aspera A- Adducts, laterally rotates, flexes thigh
ADDUCTOR BREVIS O- Pubis I- Proximal linea aspera A- Adducts, laterally rotates flexes thigh
PECTINEUS O- Pubis I- Distal to the lesser trochanter A- Adducts & flexes thigh
Adductor femoris (magnus) adj Adductor femoris (magnus) adj. to semimembranosus Adductor longus, Pectineus
Medial Thigh Muscles
Quadriceps Rectus femoris (straight fibers) Vastus medialis (medial) Vastus intermedius (middle) Deep to rectus femoris Vastus lateralis (lateral) All muscles share the quadriceps tendon, which inserts on the patella, and continues as the patellar tendon to the tibial tuberosity All muscles have the action of extending the knee
RECTUS FEMORIS O- anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) I- patella>>tibial tuberosity A- extends knee
VASTUS MEDIALIS VASTUS INTERMEDIUS VASTUS LATERALIS O- VM: linea aspera O- VI: anterior-lateral femur O- VL: posterior-lateral femur FOR ALL: I- patella>>tibial tuberosity A- extends knee
Rectus femoris, vastus medialis & lateralis
Patellar Tendon/Ligament
Other muscles of the ANTERIOR THIGH SARTORIUS (sartor=tailor) Longest muscle in the body TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE (tensor = tightener, fascia = band, latus = wide) Continuous with the iliotibial tract/band
SARTORIUS O- anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) I- medial, proximal tibia A- Flexes, abducts, laterally rotates thigh; flexes knee (like looking at the bottom of your shoe to see if you stepped in gum!
SARTORIUS superficial; lateral to gracilis
TENSOR FASCIAE LATAE (TFL) O- ASIS, iliac crest I- iliotibial band>> lateral condyle of tibia A- abducts thigh, stabilizes knee & hip
Tensor Fasciae Latae
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