JAG/ODAA Spring 2009 COPC Co-Chairs Satellite: Mr. James Vermeulen, FNMOC Conventional: Dr. Bradley Ballish, NCEP Secretary: Mr. Tony Ramirez, OFCM
2 Overview ODAA Roster ODAA Roster Accomplishments and Ongoing Activities Accomplishments and Ongoing Activities Open Action Items Open Action Items New Satellite Data Requests New Satellite Data Requests ESDA Status ESDA Status ODAA support for COPC Action items ODAA support for COPC Action items
3 ODAA Roster Sub-groups Conventional data Conventional data Satellite data Satellite data Satellite data assimilation (forming) Satellite data assimilation (forming)
4 ODAA Roster AGENCYSATELLITECONVENTIONAL AFWA Eric Wise Eric Wise Dennis Hobson Al Zamiska 14 th WS Jon Whiteside FNMOC Jim Vermeulen -(Co-chair) Jim Vermeulen -(Co-chair) Russ Schwanz NAVO Bruce McKenzie Kyle Rushing NESDIS Vince Tabor (OSDPD) Norm Johansen Jim Yoe (OSD) JCSDA Fuzhong Weng Sid Boukabara (interim)
5 ODAA Roster AGENCYSATELLITECONVENTIONAL NPOESS/IPO * Rich Ullman (DPD) * Marge Ripley (GSD) NCEPVACANT Brad Ballish -(Co-chair) NWS/TOC Richard Robinson NDBC Bill Burnett NCDC * Dan Manns * Tim Owen OAR Steve Piotrowicz FAA Steve Albersheim OFCM Tony Ramirez (Exe Sec) * New member since the last COPC Meeting.
6 Accomplishments and Ongoing Activities ESDA and TR-1 Development Completed Final Draft of the ESDA Completed Final Draft of the ESDA Updated 5-year funding projections Updated 5-year funding projections Added JCSDA participation Added JCSDA participation Added JAG/OCM roles and responsibilities Added JAG/OCM roles and responsibilities Completed agency review of draft TR-1 Completed agency review of draft TR-1 Clarified intended purpose of the TR-1 Clarified intended purpose of the TR-1 Developed a Satellite Data Product Request Procedure Developed a Satellite Data Product Request Procedure Developed an annual update/review process Developed an annual update/review process
7 Accomplishments and Ongoing Activities Data Initiated new data streams Initiated new data streams JASON-2 SSHA & Wind/Wave data from NAVO to FNMOC JASON-2 SSHA & Wind/Wave data from NAVO to FNMOC Jason 2 data to NESDIS to NAVO Jason 2 data to NESDIS to NAVO COSMIC data from NESDIS to FNMOC in the same data set provided to JCSDA. COSMIC data from NESDIS to FNMOC in the same data set provided to JCSDA. Researched acquisition of TAMDAR data Researched acquisition of TAMDAR data Alerted the need for upgrade of NOAA Tail Circuit between NWS Gateway and DATMS-U Alerted the need for upgrade of NOAA Tail Circuit between NWS Gateway and DATMS-U Loaded BBFTP (secure FTP protocol) on DAPE Gateway -- allows internal transfers between MODIS server and DAPE gateway Loaded BBFTP (secure FTP protocol) on DAPE Gateway -- allows internal transfers between MODIS server and DAPE gateway
8 ODAA Action Items Conventional Data Sub Group Action Items Conventional Data Sub Group Action Items C BUFR bulletin data type and description information for OPCs. Status: Issue raised to WG/CSAB for assistance C Climate Data Annex Development Status: NCDC and 14 th WS submitting background papers through NOAA/AFWA Status: NCDC and 14 th WS submitting background papers through NOAA/AFWA C Comparison of Fixed Weather Site Dictionaries Status: Work continues satisfactorily Status: Work continues satisfactorily
9 ODAA Action Items Satellite Data Sub Group Action Items Satellite Data Sub Group Action Items S Transition of EOS data from Goddard (R&D) to NESDIS (Ops). Status: MODIS Ops data flow to AFWA was initiated on 8 April. Commencing in phases. Status: MODIS Ops data flow to AFWA was initiated on 8 April. Commencing in phases S NCEP participation (member) to address Satellite Data issues. Status: Raised to WG/CSAB for assistance, still unresolved. Status: Raised to WG/CSAB for assistance, still unresolved S JCSDA participation (member). Status: New JCSDA Deputy Director expected to be appointed to JAG/ODAA Status: New JCSDA Deputy Director expected to be appointed to JAG/ODAA
10 ODAA Action Items S AATSR, MSG & AMSRE SST Data from NAVO to FNMOC. Status: Data flow is near completion S NOAA assistance to NAVO in acquiring future altimetry data from Altika, HY2 (Chinese), and Sentinel 3 satellites. Status: NESDIS researching access to data and POCs S Final review and implementation of ESDA Technical Reference (TR-1) Status: Final review by Satellite Sub-group underway, estimated implementation mid-May 09
11 New Satellite Data Requests New satellite data request log maintained on JAG/ODAA web page to track progress of data requests. 1. N-19 satellite test data Requestor: FNMOC Suspense: (turn on feed) Status: Open 2. MLS ozone and temperature data, and SBUV/2 ozone profile data Requestor: FNMOC Suspense: (turn on feed) Status: Open
12 ESDA Status Undergoing Agency Legal Review AFWA Complete AFWA Complete NAVY ongoing NAVY ongoing NESDIS ongoing NESDIS ongoing Target: Submit to COPC signatories for May COPC meeting.
13 COPC Action Items for JAG/ODAA Provide a set of recommendations to accomplish end to end testing of NPP data assimilation Status: Recommendation: Keep open Develop a set of standard test data based on contractor proxy simulations Status:Recommendation: NPOESS/IPO membership Status: Two new NPOESS/IPO members assigned Recommendation: Close
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