Dragon City Business
Vice President of CHINAMEX Former 1 st Secretary of Commercial Office of Chinese Embassy in Beirut 9 years’ living in Arab countries and 25 years of experience and knowledge of Arab countries
* 巴林中国龙城项目由上海设计院完成概念设计。 Market Warehouse Phase II Theme Square Restaraunts & Leisure 1.Total Land Area 100,000 s.m. 2.Building Area 50,000 s.m Unit of Shops 4.Leisure Area 6,000 s.m. 5.Warehouse 5,000 s.m. 6.Infrastructure area 40,000 s.m. 7.Parking 15,000 s.m. 8.Residence 300 units Residence
Dragon City * A trade hub * A community of Culture Exchange * Investments * Tourism * Jobs
100,000,000 Chinese tourists abroad RMB Internationalization BRIC Bank Silk Road Fund One Belt One Road Strategy Excess Capacity Cooperation Trade Volume No. 1 AIIB -Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank USD 100 bn of FDI, behind USA