Brainstorm What is an apprentice? What types of careers might be achievable through an apprenticeship?
Definition Relationship between employer and employee during which the apprentice learns a highly skilled occupation Programs combine classroom and on the job training
Paying for Apprenticeships Sponsors Plan Administer Pay for training program
Apprenticeable Occupations TONS! Examples Electrician HVAC Installer Air Conditioning Mechanic Plumber Carpet Layer Carpenter Machinist Police Officer Also: Food & Retail Managers Motorcycle Repairman Nursing Assistant Paralegal Medical Assistant & Transcriptionist Bartender Instrument Maker Cook Field Service Engineer
Advantages Learn by DOING Combine with community college courses – get a degree Education focused on specific trade you want Valuable, marketable skills gained
Pre-Apprenticeships Prepare individuals to enter and succeed in apprenticeship programs Programs have partnerships with Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors Expand career pathway opportunities Benefits Learn about careers Qualify to meet minimum standards of Registered Apprenticeship programs Classroom and tech training Build literacy, math, English, and work-readiness skills Advance into Registered Apprenticeship program
Apprenticeships Webquest Use websites available from the US Dept of Labor to answer questions 14%20List%20of%20Apprenticeable%20Occupations.pdf What is an apprenticeship? How are apprenticeships paid for? What are some advantages of apprenticeships? What is the purpose of a pre-apprenticeship? Looking at the list of apprenticeable jobs, which ones surprise you? Why? Which jobs are most appealing to you? Did you know that they were apprenticeable?