Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Deliverable 7.3 Academic Training Material - Update - Copyright IKS Consortium 1 Benjamin Nagel University of Paderborn March 14th, 2013 EC Review Meeting Luxembourg
Page: What is Task 7.3 about? Copyright IKS Consortium 2 DoW: “We develop a prototype set of materials which should be adapted and refined by lecturers undertaking the training. "Prototype set" means that we will develop a basic set of materials which can be adapted and extended depending on the actual curricula of the target institutions and academic programmes. The materials will be openly accessible.” Objective: “.. developing teaching materials for IKS for university-level courses for IT-related studies..” Bring IKS to universities Out-of-the-box curriculum Out-of-the-box curriculum Self-contained lectures
Page: Our Approach Copyright IKS Consortium 3 Identification of relevant topics for IKS Definition of a coherent curriculum and creation of lectures Uptake in teaching at universities and research institutes Improvement and finalization of materials
Page: Curriculum Copyright IKS Consortium 4 Extension Improvement Dissemination
Page: Improvement and Extension General revision of the training materials (typos, inconsistencies...) Added lecture about REST Architecture RESTful Interfaces REST applied to Web Technologies Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA) Copyright IKS Consortium 5
Page: Dissemination IKS Semantic Academy web page Dissemination Easy access OS-independent content provision (slideshare integration) Copyright IKS Consortium 6
Page: Summary We provide a comprehensive set of training material Teacher Handbook 2 x Short Lecture Notes 12 x Lecture Notes (~ 600 slides) 6 x Exercises 1 x Tutorial The training material can be used as a out-of-the-box curriculum AND as self-contained lectures State of adoption and success of dissemination presentation of delivery Copyright IKS Consortium 7
Page: IKS-DoW: two separate strands for IND and EDU training 2011 – 2012: Academic groups did a super job creating proper teaching materials, including good intros to industrially relevant topics. Specific, industrially relevant material was difficult to gather and bring into shape – most IND training has happened by adoption of the code. Reviewers suggested we can re-allocate resources from IND training to continued Stanbol and/or VIE development D7.4: printer-friendly “yellow pages” to IKS Dev. Web Copyright IKS Consortium 8