Some presentation elements excerpted with permission from ELO 101 – Policy to Practice, Summer Institute, July 2010 Developing Extended Learning Opportunities at Farmington High School Heidi Wyman, SLC and Traci Cameron
NH Senate Bill 18 Raised Compulsory School Attendance Age from 16 to 18 Effective July 1, 2009 NH Senate Bill 18 Raised Compulsory School Attendance Age from 16 to 18 Effective July 1, 2009 NH School Approval Standards Flexible use of time and place - Established Mastery of course competencies, rather than seat time, to attain HS credit. Effective July 1, 2005 NH School Approval Standards Flexible use of time and place - Established Mastery of course competencies, rather than seat time, to attain HS credit. Effective July 1, 2005 NH Policy Context - A Perfect Storm!
Primary acquisition of knowledge and skills through instruction or study outside of the traditional classroom methodology Independent study Private instruction Performing groups Internships Community service Apprenticeships Online courses Extended Learning Opportunity (E.L.O.)
Nellie Mae Education Foundation CSSR (Center for Secondary School Redesign) PlusTime Program Support Services Evaluator Donahue Institute U-Mass Pilot Schools 21 CCLC Manchester Laconia Newfound Franklin NETWORK SITES Monadnock Oyster River Raymond Nute Mascenic Mascoma Farmington Pittsfield NH DOE PlusTime NH NH DOE Follow the Child Coordinator QED Foundation CACES
NH Extended Learning Opportunities: Who’s responsible in an ELO? Student(s) ELO Coordinator Community Partner Highly Qualified Teacher
FHS Procedure for an ELO ELO Planning Contract available from Traci Cameron Includes Essential Question Competencies to be met and related rubrics Project Description Community Partner Plan
FHS Procedure for an ELO ELO EXPERIENCE Timeline and benchmarks for: Reviewing Progress, Work Completed Reflection (formative assessment) Communication Between HQT and student Between HQT, ELO Coordinator, and Community Partner
FHS Procedure for an ELO FINAL EXHIBITION OF LEARNING TO DETERMINE MASTERY OF COMPETENCIES Final Project Presentation to audience that includes topic experts if possible Summative Assessment includes: Audience feedback Rubric
Cardiac Surgery ELO MANCHESTER CENTRAL SENIOR ELO FOCUS: Causes and treatment of congestive heart failure HQT: Biology teacher COMMUNITY PARTNER: Elliot Hospital GOALS: 1.cite implications of biotechnology of the medical fields 2.connect basic anatomy of related physical systems for cardiac surgery 3.explore career path, including financial needs, aptitudes and education requirements RESULT: ½ biology credit and deepened passion to pursue medical career in cardiac surgery
Group ELO - English Language Arts Poetry Slam Focus English Language Arts, Poetry HQT The Bridge Café, Manchester Community Partner Research Poetry Slam and genre Write poetry appropriate for presentation Public present for audience of peers, staff, superintendent at Bridge Café Poetry Slam Goals Students earned English credit, discovered passion for expressive language arts and continue to study poetry. Result
Promising Practice: Group ELO Boys & Girls Club Dream It Do It: Youth Ventures YWCA Girls Inc: Girls Under the Hood Manchester Community Music School
Comparison of Dropout Rates Between ELO Initiative Schools and the State of NH The slope of the trend of the combined schools is significantly steeper than the slope of the state as a whole State trend is similar in slope to the combined schools without the ELO initiative.
Comparison of Dropout Rates Between ELO Initiative Schools and the State of NH
Where does Strafford Learning Center fit? SLC grant from NH Vocation Rehabilitation ARRA funds: Nov 2009 through Sept 2011 to serve our member districts by – Outreaching and re-engaging students who have dropped out, and are special ed eligible, to develop Alternative Learning Plans to high school completion, including ELOs – Provide Technical Assistance and Professional Development as needed NETWORK SITES Monadnock Oyster River Raymond Nute Mascenic Mascoma Farmington Pittsfield