European Project “Under Construction II” Presentation of ANAEPA – Italy Safety on the workplace Rome meeting March 20th, 2009 Co-financed by DG Employment and Social Affairs - European Commission
ANAEPA – ITALY Safety on the workplace Safety is a value that is unfortunately only clearly perceived at the moment it is missing. For this reason the keyword to approach the issue of safety on the workplace is: PREVENTION ANAEPA works for the training and the sensitization of enterprises
Training: ANAEPA organizes seminars for its territorial representatives. One of the last seminars was focused on: ‘Safety in building and construction’ Hel in Rome on may 29 th, ANAEPA – ITALY
ANAEPA also organizes training seminars for the staff responsible for the prevention and protection within individual enterprises (RSPP) and for those who design systems for the management of Safety on the workplace ANAEPA – ITALY
For the construction sites Anaepa offers: – training for the assembling of scaffolding (mandatory by law – 28 hours) –Training for Emergency and first aid –Training for Fire emergency management –Training for Asbestos disposal –Training for entrepreneurs and representatives of workers within enterprises ANAEPA – ITALY
The Association also offers risk assessment and regulations compliance periodical check-ups About INFORMATION: ANAEPA produces guides and books for professionals, enterprises and workers ANAEPA – ITALY
The broad offer of services of Anaepa- Confartigianato is also put on the market, so that prices on the private market for the same services are kept close to those requested to the enterprises by Anaepa - Confartigianato ANAEPA – ITALY
Legislation: Statistics say that 60% of fatal accidents are due to decision made BEFORE the start of the works. Based on such assumption Anaepa has submitted several proposal to the relevant Ministries in order to foster prevention and reduction of accidents: ANAEPA – ITALY
–Contracts: push the adoption of the concept of the most advantageous proposal instead of the ‘least expensive’ – so that safety expenditure is no longer subject to reductions in the offers –New framework law on safety on the work place D Lgs 81/08 – cooperation with relevant Ministries ANAEPA – ITALY
December Anaepa signed together with other social parties, including the Unions, a common document supporting the adoption of legislative measures for the appropriate functioning of the labour market. The document was submitted to the Government ANAEPA – ITALY
Anaepa has proposed a bill of law concerning the ‘criteria for the access to the building and construction profession’ Rationales at the base of the proposal: –1998 – 2007 large increase of the employees number – higher than other sectors –Increase of individual workers/enterprises ANAEPA – ITALY
–Increase of foreign workers (mostly non EU – at least until Poland and Romania entered EU) –Too much fragmentation of the sector –Need for transparency and safety on the market, –Need for protection of the client/consumer –Need to defeat unregulated competition of non compliant enterprises ANAEPA – ITALY
–Non professional and trained workers have a higher probability of incurring in accidents –Non professional workers and enterprises deteriorate the relations with the client/consumer, such negative impact affects also regular and compliant companies ANAEPA – ITALY
Anaepa asks for prerequisites, necessary to enter the profession in the building sector. The worker should: –Be Honorable –Be Expert from the technical pov –Be trained –Possess ability in the management of the company –Be financially reliable ANAEPA – ITALY
The Building and Construction sector can no longer be the activity that accepts workers that are considered redundant in other fields – affecting quality, safety, regulation compliance ANAEPA – ITALY
ITACA: the Itaca project is an operational tool of the ‘Conference of the regions and of the Provinces’. It deals with safety in ‘contracts with the Public Administration’ and help the estimation of safety cost in the contracts. ANAEPA – ITALY
ANAEPA has been appointed as the coordinator of a subcommittee that creates tools for enterprises, professionals and ‘contracting out’ organizations in the matters of Safety The subcommittee has proposed specific objectives and activities ANAEPA – ITALY
The objectives are: –Definition of operational tools for the implementation of the systems for the management of safety on the workplace Self assessment of such systems Guidelines for the implementation in small and very small enterprises Implementation of such systems in aggregation of companies competing for public works ANAEPA – ITALY
Promotion of the integration of safety management systems with the management of systems for the environment, quality and so on… In the long term: integration of management models and governance systems ANAEPA – ITALY