OBJECTIVES Describe the attachments, innervations, and actions of the posterior thigh musculature Describe the functions and course of neurovasculature Discuss the overall significance of the structure of the thigh (as a whole) and how it relates to function Practice quiz to test clickers before midterm exam!
SOFT SPOTS Femoral Triangle Borders: Problems? Adductor Canal Borders: Popliteal Fossa Borders: Problems?
ANTERIOR VS POSTERIOR Quads vs Hamstrings 2 joint muscles – difference? What about adductors?
COMMON INJURIES Hamstrings Running, kicking, high acceleration sports (soccer, baseball) Tear is typically at proximal attachment on ischial tuberosity Adductors Groin injuries – typically in high acceleration sports or extreme stretching sports (gymnastics, dance) Strain or stretch at proximal attachment to pubis 2 joint hip flexors Sartorius & rectus femoris Contusions – sometimes capillaries are torn and blood seeps into muscles, or proximal attachment can tear away a piece of iliac crest
NERVES & VASCULATURE Femoral nerve Obturator nerve Sciatic nerve Femoral artery
COMMON INJURIES Femoral hernia Femoral nerve damage Serious gait instability Sciatica Pain, weakness, numbness From piriformis OR discs
TRENDELENBURG TEST For Gluteus muscles
TRENDELENBURG TEST WOULD MOSTLY TEST FOR WHAT NERVE? A. Inferior gluteal nerve B. Superior gluteal nerve C. Sciatic nerve
ESSAYS: A. Reduce to 2 total please! B. Allow 1 replacement essay! C. Keep 4 total please! D. The dates for UE essay is the best E. The dates for LE is the best