topic name matric no. Center/schoold/faculty
INTRODUCTION Provide a scenario that will lead to the problem that you want to study Talk about your research background List 5-6 points/lines in this page
LITERATURE REVIEW List important authors of your references, year of the article, and the area of studies One slide only When presenting this slide, just mention the past studies briefly Tell what has not been covered in the past studies to justify the reason for you to carry out this study
PROBLEM STATEMENTS Explain the problem and the reason for you to do this research
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES List your objectives here Just read, need no explanation
RESEARCH QUESTIONS List your research questions here Just read, need no explanation
METHODOLOGY Sample – Write how you select, how many respondents Instrument – Write what are the instruments you used Data collection – Tell where you collected the data, how long did it take
FINDINGS Respondents profile Tell demographics of the respondents
FINDINGS Research Question 1 Provide the analysis of the results that answer RQ1
FINDINGS …continue
FINDINGS Research Question 2 Provide the analysis of the results that answer RQ2
FINDINGS Research Question 3 Provide the analysis of the results that answer RQ3
FINDINGS …continue
IMPLICATIONS Provide implications of the research for the stakeholders and your organizations
CONTRIBUTIONS Contribution of your study to the field of knowledge
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE STUDIES Tell what are possible studies following your research in the future that can carried out
Publications List them if you have any List any paper or presentation of your research at a seminar or conference before this viva If you don’t have any, delete this slide
CONCLUSION Write 4-5 lines