Project Lecture A2
Project lecture (induction week) – slides on PUMS (Reference Material link from home page) Recap..
Study project (PJS30) Answer question or solve problem to do with relationship between IT and business/society etc Can involve primary or secondary research, case study, extended literature review Use research methodologies Critique/evaluation – own insight
Accounts for 30 credits – 25% of your final year marks Individual work, i.e. yours alone 10,000 words min Carried out over two semesters, i.e. from October to May. Register with PUMS to do it (
Friday 12th October 2007 – idea chosen, supervisor allocated Friday 2 nd November 2007 – project initiation document Friday 15 th February 2008 – artefact/progress demonstration Friday 2 nd May 2008 – project hand-in Project timescale
What do I need to do? (1) Learning outcomes for unit: Initiate and manage a large individual project Summarise the problem to be solved and put it in its context Conduct a formal literature review Collect and analyse data, and draw conclusions from that analysis (study) Critically evaluate work against its objectives and reflect on and generalise the learning achieved.
What do I need to do? (2) Skills for the project Know your tools and methodologies, and which are appropriate for your topic Remember your project management unit – you will need the project management skills Practise your writing skills (ASK will help) Remind yourself how to reference ( Find out how to do a literature review Keep a log book / journal Develop a back-up routine
Some resources Past projects – now on-line: Referencing guidelines: Project texts Reading lists from appropriate units Journals Advice from last year’s project students PUMS Tutor Centre Your supervisor Your unit coordinator (me…in BK 1.27) Library, ASK, Maths Café Lecturers who are not your supervisors but who have the technical expertise you need
Tutor Centre help for project students Lion Gate 0.04 – new location “Project area” – contains past projects, PC for registering with PUMS Advice on idea choice Help with literature search and review Appointments with subject experts for technical help Write-up advice (but not proof-reading!) Wireless-enabled work space Co-located with Maths Cafe
Still looking for an idea? At this stage, contact me, talk to us in Tutor Centre – project area. If you suggested an idea and it was rejected/no decision, read the feedback Put provisional project title / IT subject area in your PUMS record in the next 24 hours (then I can allocate a supervisor) Talk to your supervisor
Meeting your supervisor It is your project Supervisor advises and guides Supervisor does not tell you what to do Normally half-hour meeting weekly / hour meeting fortnightly Set an agenda (report, review, set objectives, discuss alternatives) Don’t refuse to be supervised
Expectations.. Of student by supervisor: Be independent Produce legible work Be honest when reporting progress Follow advice where relevant Be excited and enthusiastic about project! Keep appointments Of supervisor by student Regular meetings Help with managing project process Discussion of approaches and techniques Feedback and guidance Help with structuring report Personal tutor responsibilities
Problems... With the project… discuss with supervisor change focus if necessary and agreed, preferably before PID deadline seek specific help from other staff (especially moderator) With your supervisor… try to sort it out if no luck… copy me your s ask me to intervene if with me! please raise with me first (make sure it is not a misunderstanding) see your course leader
The milestones Register for project now Attend project lectures sem1 & sem2 Agree project initiation doc with supervisor (5) Meet with supervisor at least fortnightly Intermediate demonstration (5) Agree outline of report Final demonstration Supervisor can postpone for extenuating circumstances
Meeting milestones Stresses importance of project Should not affect “normal” student Penalties abolished this year Replaced with marking for project initiation document and satisfactory progress
Deliverables from a project Outputs from process(es): Products / artefacts you constructed as part of the solution to the problem Intermediate documents you produced as part of the process Progress Project initiation document (marked + formative feedback) Satisfactory progress demonstration (marked + formative feedback) Reflections on project: Project report (marked) Feedback to your supervisor
Progress marking Project initiation document (2 nd November 2007) and satisfactory progress demo (15 th February 2008) Each marked out of 20 to give scope for formative feedback Contribution to final mark: 5% each PID: demo: report = 5:5:90 Marking forms on PUMS shortly
Assessment of project report Contents of final report (and presentation of artefact) Marking scheme is public (projmark.htm) Good artefact does not necessarily imply good report (and vice versa) Marked by supervisor and moderator Third marking if they cannot agree Prizes at stake
Marking categories Statement of aims and objectives Critical review of literature Methodological approach Primary research and results (if any) Content Originality Evidence of project planning and management Evaluation against requirements Summary, conclusions and recommendations Structure and presentation Overall understanding and reflection
Good things and bad things + publishable standard + clear aims&objectives + perceptive analysis + interesting conclusions + good research design + challenging work + good presentation – errors of fact – vague aims – little or no analysis – trite conclusions – misinterpretations – poor research – facile work – poor presentation
Marking process Two markers – supervisor and moderator Marked independently by each Marks within 10% - split difference and round up Marks outside 10% - negotiate or involve 3 rd marker Opinion of External Examiner if necessary Progress elements added (5:5:90)
Encouragement Project prizes Student project conference (March 2008)
Project prizes Pearson Education Prize in Strategic Information Systems - £150 book tokens BCS prize for best final year student - £ year free BCS membership Best Information Systems project prize - £100 Best study project prize - £100 David Callear memorial prize for best educational technology project - £100 Best business solutions project prize - £100 Adam Crump memorial prize for personal achievement - £50
To do list Let me know about project ideas (so I can allocate a supervisor) Meet supervisor Start reading Download PID template Look at marking scheme