Next steps: Site IM’s will need to: Update SiteDB Verify site location/boundary, logo and links Update 2007 GIS survey Expect a Data request in the near future Harvest gage locations directly from Clim/HydroDB when migrated to LNO and provide a link to attributes of this data. Planning to link to EcoTrends data at some point Thursday VTC 9:00am Mtn. Time
Send out s to IMs (theresa) Phase 1: ◦ link on main site page (Marshall) ◦ Application on individual site pages (basic level)(Marshall) ◦ LTER newsletter article: Jonathan/Adam ◦ Databits: more technical Jonathan/Adam ◦ Science council meeting in May demo…(Jonathan) ◦ Update boundaries (theresa) ◦ Update Clim/HydroDB gages (theresa) ◦ Domains for LTER sites: discussion for PI’s (everyone to talk to site PI’s about) ◦ Links to remotely sensed imagery library (John VC) LTERMaps To Do List
Load LNO (Jamie) Evaluate existing web services for overall base layers (jamie national map, on-line services, free stuff) document and provide links from portal Base layers plus climate (adam) EML points: Inigo to provide Theresa with a file… Decide on how to store data and how to organize web services (central vs site specifics) ◦ Need to identify pro’s cons of options Phase 2
Data format – Shape files – Geodatabases (file) – SDE LNO At another site (AND or BNZ) Rasters and images (sde or raster catalog) Data organization – Centralized layers (network wide) vs 26 individual site layers Map/Image Services – Network level and site level Options:
ArcMap templates Look at for search ideas – What do we want to search on? Look at SiteDB and make recommendations. (jonathon) Look at code for search (Jamie) Upload/add site data functionality
Write a report on our meeting Products: – Video – LTERmaps application – ArcGIS Server LNO – Network news/data bits articles – Phase 2: Arcnews – Posters? ESRI Conference (Theresa) Science Council Meeting (demo/poster) (May) IM Meeting Housekeeping