Kimberly Clymer
"Workshop" approach to teaching Reading Allows students to learn reading objectives through material the student is interested in This means that students choose their own books for their reading activities
Read Aloud Mini Lesson Independent Reading & Journaling Independent & Small Group Conferencing
Choice ◦ Students have ownership of their learning through self selection of books they read and topics for writing. Independent Reading ◦ Students have the opportunity to read independently and apply concepts of the mini lesson in a Reader's Notebook.
Response ◦ Students respond to books they are reading in their Reader's Notebooks, through class discussions, & Individual Teacher Conferencing. Vocabulary and Fluency Development ◦ As students become actively engaged in the reading process they develop stronger vocabulary and reading fluency skills.
Be Kind Be Respectful Work Hard Make good choices I will be passing out “Yellow” cards as a warning for misbehaving and “Red” cards to students who continue to make the wrong choices. Parents will need to sign conduct form and students will serve a “lunch or before/after school detention” for a red card.
Emphasis on Reading 3 0 minutes of reading every night Students should apply learning objective of that day’s mini lesson to their nightly reading. “Status of the Class” taken weekly for a grade (other) Critical Vocabulary Review Study preparation for tests/quizzes
45% - Major: Tests & Projects 40% - Minor: Quizzes and Daily work 15% - Other: Class Participation & Ticket Out. (The highest grade a student can receive on a Major retest is a ‘70’) More information can be found in SLJH student handbook!
We go to Library every other Tuesday Student ID’s needed to check out books. Students should bring Reader’s Notebook to Library and also to their Advisory Period. My class webpage allows students and parents to access classroom information, handouts, easy access to “homework docs” and many other resources. Edmodo Access Codes
My conference time 8:15a.m. I am available to meet with you by appointment before or after school My classroom # Please call or to communicate your concerns or ask questions.
Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblink