Wordlist Unit I Words and Phrases Tom yang. 1.review vt / N Eg. review one’s lessons review the situation/the evidence review one’s failures review the.


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Grammar(I). I like to watch Olympic Games. I don’t like to go shopping. I would rather watch Olympic Games than go shopping.
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Presentation transcript:

Wordlist Unit I Words and Phrases Tom yang

1.review vt / N Eg. review one’s lessons review the situation/the evidence review one’s failures review the film/the play =go over 复查,重新考虑 回顾,反思 评论,评价 a book reviewer 评论家,评论撰写者

2.altogether 1. You owe me $50 ~. 2. I don’t ~ agree with you. 3. The food was good, and we loved the atmosphere. A~ it was a great evening. = in all =completely =In a word

3.age 1.He left school at the age of 12./at an early age. 2.the nuclear age/the age of computer 3. I’ve waited for ages/years 4.look age 5.They have two children aged 6and 8. 年龄 (历史上的)时代,时期 =a long time 容貌与年龄相当 … 岁

4.superior eg.1. ~ intelligence/strength/knowledge 2. a ~ court of law 3. He is ~ to me in position. 4. He is my immediate ~. 5. Modern music is often considered inferior to that of the past. 较差的,次要的 更好的,占优势的,更胜一筹 上级法院 (级别,职位,重要性上)更高 他是我的顶头上司

5.wind 1. sail against the wind 2. The snake wound its way to the hole. 3. wind the wool into a ball 4. He forgot to wind (up) his watch. 5. Are all the windows wound up? 6. Give the handle another couple of winds. N. 风 蜿蜒 / 曲折而行 卷缠,缠绕,绕成团 给 … 上发条 把(汽车窗玻璃等摇上) N. 再转动两下手柄

6.apply 1.apply to the company in person/by letter for the position 2. He has applied to join the army. 3. apply political pressure 4. The new technology was applied to farming. 5. apply the cream to your face and neck. 6.fill in the application > 申请,请求 > > 使用,应用 涂,敷,施 填写申请表

7.launch 1. ~ a campaign/an investigation/an attack 2. ~ one’s latest novel / the new model of the mobile phone 3. ~ a new warship/a satellite 开始从事,发起,发动 发行,(首次)上市 使(船等)下水,发射(航天器等)

8.demand 1.He demanded an explanation. 2.He demanded to be told everything. 3.I demanded that John go there at once. 4. 他要求选举权给予每一位成年女性. 5. 满足某人的要求 6.Flying makes enormous demands on pilots. 7.Oil is in great demand these days. He demanded that the right to vote (should) be given to every adult woman. meet/satisfy one’s demand for sth make demands on/of 对 … 提出要求, 需要花费 in demand 有需要, 有需求

9.degree 1.Water freezes at 0°C.(zero degrees centigrade) 2.Her job demands a high degree of skill. 3.I agree with you to a certain degree. 4.She received a doctor’s degree. 5.By degree their friendship grew into love. 度, 度数 ( 温度单位 ) 程度 在某种程度上 ( 大学 ) 学位 =slowly and gradually

10.spring 1. He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed. 2. He sprang his feet when he saw his mother. 3. Tears sprang to her eyes. 4. Play areas for children are springing up all over the place. 5. She rose with a spring. 6. The rubber has lost its spring. 7. The spring of my watch is broken. 8. He was born in the spring of a mineral spring 猛然跳起 =stood up suddenly 突然出现 / 来到 迅速出现, 突然兴起 N.c 跳跃 N.u 弹性 N.c 弹簧, 发条 N.c 泉水

1.personal adj. personally adv eg. personal possessions/experience personal relationships/qualities personal life/matter make a personal appearance offer a personal service Personally, I prefer the second opinion. All the answers will be answered personally. 个人的,私人的 人际的,个性的 私人的,私事的 亲自做的 为某人做的,个别的 就本人而言,就个人而言 亲自,本人

12.delight vt/vi n 1. The news will ~ his fans all over the world. 2. He delights to prove his brother wrong. 3. She delighted in her work. 4. I’m delighted to receive your letter. 5. I was delighted at the thought of seeing you again. 6. I was delighted with my present. 7. I was delighted that you were all successful. 8. to one’s delight 9.The naughty took (a) delight in pulling the dog’s tail. 使高兴 > 喜欢做 因某事 高兴 喜欢做某事,从 … 中取乐

13. vary V. variety N. various Adj Eg.1. 菜单随季节而变化 The menu varies with the season. 2. We all need ________ in our diet.variety 3.There _______ a variety of opinion. There _______ a variety of opinions There _______ several varieties of red roses. was were 4.She took the job for_________ reasons. various