Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko SiD Sim/Reco Meeting, April 14 2009 Dmitry Onoprienko Kansas State University Status of ITC / CAT related.


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Presentation transcript:

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko SiD Sim/Reco Meeting, April Dmitry Onoprienko Kansas State University Status of ITC / CAT related packages

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko Integrated Tracking-Clustering package - Goals Evolved from the original Calorimeter Assisted Tracking package Calorimeter-seeded track finder (essential for Vs, kinked tracks, etc.) Aid “standard” track finder Track – cluster association High purity initial clustering with topological linking  starting point for PFA Modular, flexible, easily extendable  Designed to be configured for a particular use scenario

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko For each Rosary : Propagate trajectory to the next layer Try to attach Dot (may branch) If unsuccessful, try to attach Bead If unsuccessful, If this is a single Dot Rosary with no attached track, try to attach Dot based on proximity Otherwise, attach Crack Check for Rosary termination condition If first termination, reverse direction If not terminated, update trajectory Run “standard” track finder Cluster hits in each calorimeter layer into Dots (MIP trace) and Beads Seed first Rosaries from tracks Thread created Rosaries For each Calorimeter Layer : Create new Rosaries from unattached Dots Thread created Rosaries Assign quality ratings to Rosaries, cut Remove duplicate parts ITC – Basic algorithm If entering tracker, and no track is attached to this Rosary Create track seed Extend into tracker, picking up hits  new track(s) See if there is orphan track nearby – if yes, try to stitch. Rosary – chain of clusters, possibly with a track attached on one end.

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko K S 0 reconstruction efficiency using ITC Looking only at K S 0 that decayed in sensitive volume. Very significant improvement, but… not a releasable quality code still using ancient fitter  Working on this since LOI submission

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko New ITC interface to geometry / propagation

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko Fitter and integration issues Rob’s fitter is not yet available. Several possible approaches to integration with Rich’s seedtracker code : Use Rich’s fitter with CAT track finder - difficult Use seedtracker with CAT seeds playing the confirmation layer role - promising - prototype version is working - prompted some re-factoring in the ITC package Use CAT seeds with seedtracker finder - probably possible, but not without significant changes to seedtracker Need to use RosaryClusterer in several distinct modes with different goals  did some refactoring.

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko Re-factored org.lcsim.contrib.crux.itc More algorithms are available now – can be mixed-and-matched by drivers

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko Status of customized RosaryClusterer versions BasicITC – full tracking and clustering Functional, not optimized, many obvious improvements possible MipStubFinder – full processing of track-seeded Rosaries, then only looks for MIP stubs that can be converted into tracking seeds. Functional, improvements possible SeedTrackerConfirm – designed to create CAT seeds to be used in place of the confirmation layer in seedtracker At the moment, similar to MipStubFinder. Needs to be optimized. Plan Finish & tune SeedTrackerConfirm – based scenario code. Commit a complete example driver. Finish & release MipStubFinder - based scenario code (Rob’s fitter ? Something else ?).

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko Utility packages…

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.job

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.swim

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.swim

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.vector Immutable implementation of Hep3Vector Hep3Vector implementation with in-place vector operations

Sim/Reco Meeting, April 2009Dmitry Onoprienko Others… Collections (org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util) Units & constants (org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.util.constants) HepRep converters MC Truth access (org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.crux.mctruth) Reconstruction performance analysis package (org.lcsim.contrib.onoprien.crux.analysis)