45th CIML Meeting Orlando, (FL, USA) September 2010 Round Table with Regional bodies 2010 Report to the CIML J.F. Magana BIML Director
45th CIML, Orlando, (FL, USA) September Item 3.3 Round Table with Regional bodies Regional bodies represented: AFRIMETS APLMF (Chair of the Round Table) COOMET GULFMET EAMET SADCMEL SIM WELMEC
45th CIML, Orlando, (FL, USA) September Item participants attended the Round Table. The attendance list is available on the web pages on Regional Organizations Presentations given by the Regional bodies are available on the web pages on Regional Organizations
45th CIML, Orlando, (FL, USA) September Item 3.3 The conclusions of the 2009 Round Table were approved, with an amendment mentioning the report given by SADCMEL in 2009 The revised Terms of Reference of the Round Table were approved
45th CIML, Orlando, (FL, USA) September Item 3.3 The evolution in process of the OIML inquiry on the National Regulations was presented. It will make it much more friendly and easier to fill, It will allow all members of the Regional Organizations to fill the inquiry, It will allow to present the results for each Regional body. It was noted that the web site of some Regional bodies give more detailed information on the national regulations.
45th CIML, Orlando, (FL, USA) September Item 3.3 How to motivate other Departments in a country to actively participate in the OIML Work ? This issue was the object of an exchange of views. Indeed the OIML Treaty as well as the TBT Agreement make it mandatory to use OIML Recommendations. However this depends on good diplomatic skills from the CIML Member. This is the role of the CIML Member, being the representative of the OIML in his country
45th CIML, Orlando, (FL, USA) September Item 3.3 Training The web pages set up by the Bureau on training were presented ( These pages allow Regional bodies and training bodies to directly upload information on their activities and on planned training courses Regional bodies are invited to update these pages as frequently as needed, and to invite training bodies to do so. The issue of exchange of training material (including videos) was also extensively discussed.
45th CIML, Orlando, (FL, USA) September Item 3.3 Access to funding The issue of access to funding was also discussed. The awareness of UNIDO on metrology is high. However, except for less developed countries, UNIDO works mainly on countries voluntary contributions and not on its own funds. The awareness of other international donor organizations on metrology still needs to be raised. How to present the contributions of a metrology infrastructure has to be addressed. These donor organizations develop programmes that they define, they are generally not open to individual requests of countries concerning metrology infrastructure
45th CIML, Orlando, (FL, USA) September Item 3.3 Conclusions from the Chair of this Round Table Mr. Pu Changcheng (P.R. China), Chair of this Round Table, concluded the meeting. This Round Table allowed extensive and lively exchange of views and information. The issue of training is a major issue for Regional Organizations and specially for Developing Countries. The work on this issue must actively be continued by the Bureau and Regional bodies must provide contributions to it.