EAP Method Update (EMU) IETF-80 Chairs: Joe Salowey Alan DeKok
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Agenda 1.Administrivia (note takers, blue sheets, agenda) - 5 Min 2. EAP Session ID - EAP-SIM and EAP-AKA - 20 Min 3. EAP Channel Bindings - Sam Hartman - 35 Min draft-ietf-emu-chbind EAP-FAST - Nancy Cam-Winget - 20 Min draft-zhou-emu-eap-fastv EAP-TEAM - Glen Zorn - 20 Min draft-zorn-emu-team Tunnel Method discussion - 20 Min 7. EAP-IBAKE - Violeta Cakulev - time permitting draft-cakulev-emu-eap-ibake-00
EAP Session ID Bernard Aboba sent a message to the list indicating a possible issue with Session-ID definition within EAP-SIM – As per RFC 5247, the Session-Id is (0x12 | RAND | NONCE_MT) – Should probably be (0x12 | NONCE_MT) during re- auth – Probably affects AKA and AKA’ as well Develop document to update 5247 and other RFCs
Channel Binding Sam Hartman
EAP-FASTv2 Nancy Cam-Winget Steve Hanna
EAP-TEAM Glen Zorn
Tunnel Method Discussion Which to select for basis of working group draft?
EAP-IBAKE Violeta Cakulev