S&I Public Health * We will start the meeting 3 min after the hour July 22, 2014
This meeting is being recorded and un-paused and will be available via the wiki *Please mute your phone when not speaking to assist with background noise.
Today’s Agenda Administrative Update –Brief Overview and Update of Initiatives Evaluation of SDC Pilots Post Pilot Sustainment
S&I: Public Health Tiger Team (PHTT) 4 Standards and Interoperability: Public Health Tiger Team Data Access Framework Structured Data Capture Clinical Quality Framework Data Provenance
S&I Initiative Portfolio Snapshot: In production * Community led initiatives leverage the S&I framework platform with minimal or no ONC funded contractor support. Pre-DiscoveryUse CaseHarmonizationRI, Test & PilotEvaluation Active Initiatives Structured Data Capture Blue Button Plus Data Provenance EU/US eHealth Cooperation 5 Data Access Framework Clinical Quality Framework Community-Led* or Other Agency- Led Inactive or Closed Initiatives Laboratory Orders Interface Longitudinal Coordination of Care Lab Results Interface Public Health esMD Transitions of Care Direct Project (S&I Archetype) Health eDecisions (merged with CQF) Query Health (merged with DAF) Data Segmentation for Privacy PDMP & HIT Integration
EHR PH Form Sample Types of Reporting Quality Research Public Health Case Reporting (Pilot CDA) EHR and SDC Model ELR Immunization Syndromic Surveillance Cancer CDA Forms Repository Request Form (CDISC RFDC) Deliver Form Deliver data from form {Format Type, TBD} Example Types of Reporting CDEs Meta Data Business Logic Define Forms 6
SDC Update Identifying organization to participate in IHE Connectathon Jan 2015 Guidance on IHE Profile vs. FHIR Profile and Frequently Asked Questions for community 25JUL14 Still looking for ownership of CDE and Form Repository/ Registry. (This is out of scope for SDC but remains dependency on outcome of initiative.)
DAF Update Review the HITSC Evaluation Criteria to apply to FHIR, HL7 v2, QUICK, QED, and HQMF v2 and begin narrowing down to a standard for data elements Discussed the need to agree on the standards evaluation criteria and possible inclusion of HITSC criteria to DAF standards selection process for data elements
CQF Update Pilots will begin in August. Pilot sub-teams continue to plan for potential pilots. Each pilot team will begin by identifying the data elements required for the pilot. The required slices(s) of the standards will be created to support the individual pilots. –The Chlamydia Screening Pilot (Chlamydia Screening CDS and eCQM related to the IHE Family Planning Profile from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) Office of Population Affairs (OPA) Title X Family Planning Program (a grant making contraceptive service delivery program)) worked to find interested EHR vendors to participate in the pilot. A planning meeting will be held this Friday to review lessons learned from previous chlamydia screening pilots. Invited stakeholders include a CDC team (including the development team and stewards) that worked on a chlamydia pilot at CDC (ref Michael Wittie, the lead for the eCQM on chlamydia screening), and the QIR team working on measures that look at patients at high risk for STIs proposed for MU3. Participants will discuss their data model approaches.
S&I Public Health Contact Information ONC Public Health Lead: Jim (James) Daniel CDC Public Health Lead: John M. Saindon PHTT Wiki Page: SDC Wiki Page: DAF Wiki Page: CQF Wiki PHRi Archived Wiki Weekly PHTT Meeting Info (Tuesdays): Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Eastern URL: Dial-In Number: Access Code:
S&I Public Health Update Developing evaluation criteria and expectations for S&I Pilots Developing post pilot sustainability plans and transition process Last week had a public health update from Bob Dieterle
Wednesday S&I Public Health Education Series Wednesday August 6 th at 4pm EST (now on WebEx Update on SIM Funding (CMS) Privacy and Security Standards R. Merrick, Moderator Presenters (invited): W. Suarez, J. Moerke, R. McCoy
Evaluation of SDC Pilots What are Public Health’s Expectations… –Demonstrate utility or lack there of SDC solutions for Public Health problems –Workflow implications: how these solutions might work in the “real world” –Clinical (real data/live) or simulated data/systems (prototype) or a hybrid (actual systems using simulated data) –Form manager solution approach (gain knowledge: centralized) Are not throw away solutions –Understanding of level of effort (time/resources/cost); e.g. hospitals, vendor, PHA, providers –Will not be proprietary (unique to the vendor) RFD vs SDC –Educate stakeholders; vendors, providers, PHA’s, hospitals, consumers of healthcare –Identify barriers/lessons learned and document
What are success criteria’s Model is vetted and move forward into adoption That the pilots be reproducible (open source) Used in a different setting or domain. E.g. occupational, environmental Is the pilot reproduced Gaps are identified Practices from PH Pilots, shared with SDC Initiative Identify best practices to improve technology for adoption High quality data Metrics: evaluate the quality of the data, usability, actual source data, de-duplication
Needs Statement
Showcasing efforts Partnerships and collaboration
Post Pilot Sustainability Plan Communication Partnerships and collaboration