1 Universal Bicritical Behavior in Unidirectionally Coupled Systems Sang-Yoon Kim Department of Physics Kangwon National University Korea Low-dimensional Dynamical Systems 1D Maps, Forced Nonlinear Oscillators: Universal Period-Doubling Route to Chaos Unidirectionally Coupled Systems Unidirectionally coupled 1D maps, Unidirectionally coupled oscillators: Used as a Model for Open Flow. Discussed actively in connection with Secure Communication using Chaos Synchronization Purpose To extend the universal scaling results for the 1D maps to the unidirectionally coupled systems
2 Period-Doubling Transition to Chaos in The 1D Map 1D Map with A Single Quadratic Maximum An infinite sequence of period doubling bifurcations ends at a finite accumulation point When exceeds, a chaotic attractor with positive appears.
3 Critical Scaling Behavior near A=A Parameter Scaling: Orbital Scaling: Self-similarity in The Bifurcation Diagram A Sequence of Close-ups (Horizontal and Vertical Magnification Factors: and ) 1st Close-up 2nd Close-up
4 Period-Doublings in Unidirectionally Coupled 1D Maps Unidirectionally Coupled 1D Maps Two Stability Multipliers of an orbit with period q determining the stability of the first and second subsystems: Period-doubling bif. Saddle-node bif. 11 1 Stability Diagram of the Periodic Orbits Born via PDBs for C = Vertical dashed line: Feigenbaum critical line for the 1st subsystem Non-vertical dashed line: Feigenbaum critical line for the 2nd subsystem Two Feigenbaum critical lines meet at the Bicritical Point ( ).
5 Scaling Behavior near The Bicritical Point Bicritical Point where two Feigenbaum critical lines meet Corresponding to a border of chaos in both subsystems Scaling Behavior near (A c, B c ) 1st subsystem Feigenbaum critical behavior: 2nd subsystem Non-Feigenbaum critical behavior: ~ ~
6 Hyperchaotic Attractors near The Bicritical Point ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
7 Renormalization-Group (RG) Analysis of The Bicritical Behavior Eigenvalue-Matching RG method Basic Idea: For each parameter-value (A, B) of level n, associate a parameter-value (A, B ) of the next level n+1 such that periodic orbits of level n and n+1 (period q=2 n, 2 n+1 ) become “self-similar.” Orbit of level n Orbit of level n+1 A simple way to implement the basic idea is to equate the SMs of level n and n+1 Recurrence Relation between the Control Parameters A and B ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Self-similar (A, B) ’ ’
8 Fixed Point and Relevant Eigenvalues Fixed Point (A *, B * ) Bicritical Point (A c, B c ) Orbital Scaling Factors Relevant Eigenvalues ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’
9 RG Results n Bicritical point n 1,n 2,n n 1,n 2,n 11 Parameter scaling factors Orbital scaling factors
10 Unidirectionally Coupled Parametrically Forced Pendulums Parametrically Forced Pendulum (PFP) Normalized Eq. of Motion: Unidirectionally Coupled PFPs O S l m
11 Stability Diagram of Periodic Orbits for C = 0.2 Structure of the stability diagram Same as that in the abstract system of unidirectionally-coupled 1D maps Bicritical behavior near (A c, B c ) Same as that in the abstract system of unidirectionally-coupled 1D maps (A c, B c )=( , )
12 Self-similar Topography of The Parameter Plane
13 Hyperchaotic Attractors near The Bicritical Point ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
14 Bicritical Behavior in Unidirectionally Coupled Duffing Oscillators Eq. of Motion A & B: Control parameters of the 1st and 2nd subsystems, C: coupling parameter Stability Diagram for C = 0.1 Antimonotone Behavior Forward and Backward Period- Doubling Cascades Structure of the stability diagram Same as that in the abstract system of unidirectionally-coupled 1D maps Bicritical behaviors near the four bicritical points Same as those in the abstract system of unidirectionally-coupled 1D maps
15 Bicritical Behaviors in Unidirectionally Coupled Rössler Oscillators Eq. of Motion c 1 & c 2 : Control parameters of the 1st and 2nd subsystems, : coupling parameter Stability Diagram for = 0.01 Structure of the stability diagram Same as that in the abstract system of unidirectionally-coupled 1D maps Bicritical behavior near bicritical point Same as that in the abstract system of unidirectionally-coupled 1D maps
16 Summary Universal Bicritical Behaviors in A Large Class of Unidirectionally Coupled Systems Eigenvalue-matching RG method is a very effective tool to obtain the bicritical point and the scaling factors with high precision. Bicritical Behaviors: Confirmed in Unidirectionally Coupled Oscillators consisting of parametrically forced pendulums, double-well Duffing oscillators, and Rössler oscillators Refs: 1. S.-Y. Kim, Phys. Rev. E 59, 6585 (1999). 2. S.-Y. Kim and W. Lim, Phys. Rev E 63, (2001). 3. W. Lim and S.-Y. Kim, AIP Proc. 501, 317 (2000). 4. S.-Y. Kim, W. Lim, and Y. Kim, Prog. Theor. Phys. 106, 17 (2001). : Feigenbaum constant : Non-Feigenbaum constant ~ (scaling factor in the drive subsystem) (scaling factor in the response subsystem)