Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 1 The Entrepreneurial Slava or why the next energy frontier/ lepton collider will be + - Muons, Inc. Rolland Johnson, Muons, Inc.
outline An almost accidental meeting at a JLab 2003 workshop led to a close friendship and very productive collaboration with Slava. An almost accidental meeting at a JLab 2003 workshop led to a close friendship and very productive collaboration with Slava. (preceded by meeting Quentin and being fired by Andrew) New techniques for muon cooling to enable intense stopping muon beams, neutrino factories, Higgs factories, Z’ factories, and muon colliders invented mostly by Slava have been the basis for several Muons, Inc. grants. These have been used to support several postdocs, physicists, and engineers to do good things. New techniques for muon cooling to enable intense stopping muon beams, neutrino factories, Higgs factories, Z’ factories, and muon colliders invented mostly by Slava have been the basis for several Muons, Inc. grants. These have been used to support several postdocs, physicists, and engineers to do good things. Katsuya Yonehara, David Newsham, Shahid Ahmed, Guimei Wang, Mohammad Alsharo’a, Pierick Hanlet, Kevin Paul, Vasiliy Morozov, Gene Flanagan, Masa Notani (+ 4 Ph.D. Students)Katsuya Yonehara, David Newsham, Shahid Ahmed, Guimei Wang, Mohammad Alsharo’a, Pierick Hanlet, Kevin Paul, Vasiliy Morozov, Gene Flanagan, Masa Notani (+ 4 Ph.D. Students) I will describe some of these inventions, and the status of the technology being developed to implement them. I will describe some of these inventions, and the status of the technology being developed to implement them. Helical Cooling Channel (HCC) = helical dipole +helical quadrupole + solenoidHelical Cooling Channel (HCC) = helical dipole +helical quadrupole + solenoid Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling (PIC), Epicyclic PIC--> twin helixParametric-resonance Ionization Cooling (PIC), Epicyclic PIC--> twin helix Reverse Emittance Exchange (REMEX) with absorbersReverse Emittance Exchange (REMEX) with absorbers Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 2 Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 3 New Inventions/Developments New Ionization Cooling Techniques New Ionization Cooling Techniques Emittance exchange with continuous absorber for longitudinal coolingEmittance exchange with continuous absorber for longitudinal cooling Helical Cooling Channel (HCC) DerbenevHelical Cooling Channel (HCC) Derbenev Momentum-dependent Helical Cooling ChannelMomentum-dependent Helical Cooling Channel 6D Precooling device, muon stopping beam(mu2e) Yonehara 6D Precooling device, muon stopping beam(mu2e) Yonehara 6D cooling demonstration experiment (MANX) Cummings 6D cooling demonstration experiment (MANX) Cummings Ionization cooling using a parametric resonance (PIC) DerbenevIonization cooling using a parametric resonance (PIC) Derbenev Methods to manipulate phase space partitions Methods to manipulate phase space partitions Reverse emittance exchange using absorbers (REMEX) DerbenevReverse emittance exchange using absorbers (REMEX) Derbenev Bunch coalescing (NF and MC can share injector)(mucoal) BhatBunch coalescing (NF and MC can share injector)(mucoal) Bhat Technology for better cooling Technology for better cooling Pressurized RF cavities (HPRF) JohnsonPressurized RF cavities (HPRF) Johnson Helical Solenoid (HS) KashikhinHelical Solenoid (HS) Kashikhin Higher Fields(HTS) Zlobin, SchwartzHigher Fields(HTS) Zlobin, Schwartz Simulation programs (G4BL) RobertsSimulation programs (G4BL) Roberts BNL inventions/extensions to earlier work Palmer BNL inventions/extensions to earlier work Palmer Big Helix(Gugenheim)Big Helix(Gugenheim) Cooling channel ideas(super Fernow)Cooling channel ideas(super Fernow) Low energy emittance exchange in high B(HTS)Low energy emittance exchange in high B(HTS) Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 4 Muons, Inc. Project History Muons, Inc. Project History Year Project Funds Research Partner Year Project Funds Research Partner 2002 Company founded 2002 Company founded High Pressure RF Cavity$600,000 IIT (Kaplan) High Pressure RF Cavity$600,000 IIT (Kaplan) Helical Cooling Channel$850,000JLab (Derbenev) Helical Cooling Channel$850,000JLab (Derbenev) † MANX demo experiment$ 95,000FNAL (Yarba) † MANX demo experiment$ 95,000FNAL (Yarba) Phase Ionization Cooling$745,000JLab (Derbenev) Phase Ionization Cooling$745,000JLab (Derbenev) HTS Magnets$795,000FNAL (Yarba) HTS Magnets$795,000FNAL (Yarba) Reverse Emittance Exch.$850,000JLab (Derbenev) Reverse Emittance Exch.$850,000JLab (Derbenev) Capture, ph. rotation$850,000FNAL (Neuffer) Capture, ph. rotation$850,000FNAL (Neuffer) G4BL Sim. Program$850,000 IIT (Kaplan) G4BL Sim. Program$850,000 IIT (Kaplan) MANX 6D Cooling Demo $850,000FNAL (Lamm) MANX 6D Cooling Demo $850,000FNAL (Lamm) Stopping Muon Beams$750,000FNAL (Ankenbrandt) Stopping Muon Beams$750,000FNAL (Ankenbrandt) HCC Magnets$750,000FNAL (Zlobin) HCC Magnets$750,000FNAL (Zlobin) Compact, Tunable RF$100,000FNAL (Popovic) Compact, Tunable RF$100,000FNAL (Popovic) RF Breakdown Studies$100,000LBNL (Li) ANL (Gai) RF Breakdown Studies$100,000LBNL (Li) ANL (Gai) Rugged RF Windows$100,000Jlab (Rimmer) Rugged RF Windows$100,000Jlab (Rimmer) H2-filled RF Cavities$100,000FNAL (Yonehara) H2-filled RF Cavities$100,000FNAL (Yonehara) (except for stopping muons and HCC magnet, these are finished. Slava can be blamed for the underlined ones) Slava can be blamed for the underlined ones) Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 5 Project History (cont.) Project History (cont.) Year Project Expected Funds Research Partner Year Project Expected Funds Research Partner Pulsed Quad RLAs$850,000JLab (Bogacz) Pulsed Quad RLAs$850,000JLab (Bogacz) Fiber Optics for HTS$800,000NCSU (Schwartz) Fiber Optics for HTS$800,000NCSU (Schwartz) DC Gun Insulator$100,000 * JLab (Poelker) DC Gun Insulator$100,000 * JLab (Poelker) Hi Field YBCO Magnets$100,000 * NCSU (Schwartz) Hi Field YBCO Magnets$100,000 * NCSU (Schwartz) HOM Absorbers$850,000 * Cornell(Hoffstaetter) HOM Absorbers$850,000 * Cornell(Hoffstaetter) Quasi Isochronous HCC$850,000 * FNAL (Neuffer) Quasi Isochronous HCC$850,000 * FNAL (Neuffer) H-minus Sources$850,000 * ORNL/SNS (Stockli) H-minus Sources$850,000 * ORNL/SNS (Stockli) Hi Power Coax Coupler$850,000 * JLab (Rimmer) Hi Power Coax Coupler$850,000 * JLab (Rimmer) f –locked Magnetrons$850,000 * FNAL (Popovic) f –locked Magnetrons$850,000 * FNAL (Popovic) Mono-E Photons$122,588contract w PNNL Mono-E Photons$122,588contract w PNNL Project-X and MC/NF$260,000 contract w FNAL Project-X and MC/NF$260,000 contract w FNAL MCP and ps timers$108,338contract w ANL MCP and ps timers$108,338contract w ANL 2010Mono-E Photons II $ 50,000contract w PNNL 2010Mono-E Photons II $ 50,000contract w PNNL 2010MAP$ 39,969contract w FNAL 2010MAP$ 39,969contract w FNAL 2010MAP$ 15,770contract w FNAL 2010MAP$ 15,770contract w FNAL MHz RF Cavity $230,000contract w LANL MHz RF Cavity $230,000contract w LANL Epicyclic PIC$100,000JLab (Derbenev) Epicyclic PIC$100,000JLab (Derbenev) Crab Cavity$100,000JLab (Rimmer) Crab Cavity$100,000JLab (Rimmer) ps detectors for MANX$100,000UChicago (Frisch) ps detectors for MANX$100,000UChicago (Frisch) MC IR Backgrounds$100,000NIU (Hedin) MC IR Backgrounds$100,000NIU (Hedin) Total SBIR-STTR $14,435,000, non-SBIR $1,751,551 Muons, Inc. * Phase II Decisions announced yesterday!!!
Muons, Inc. grants & contracts ($k/y) Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 6 Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 7 5 TeV Modified Livingston Plot taken from: W. K. H. Panofsky and M. Breidenbach, Rev. Mod. Phys. 71, s121-s132 (1999) Muon Colliders: Back to the Livingston Plot A lepton collider at the energy frontier! Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 8 Ultimate Goal: High-Energy High-Luminosity Muon Colliders precision lepton machines at the energy frontier precision lepton machines at the energy frontier achieved in physics-motivated stages that require developing inventions and technology, e.g. achieved in physics-motivated stages that require developing inventions and technology, e.g. high-power 8-GeV H - Linac (CW with AR & BRs, ADSR)high-power 8-GeV H - Linac (CW with AR & BRs, ADSR) stopping muon beams (HCC, EEXwHomogeneous absorber)stopping muon beams (HCC, EEXwHomogeneous absorber) neutrino factory (HCC with HPRF, RLA in CW Proj-X)neutrino factory (HCC with HPRF, RLA in CW Proj-X) Z’ factory (low Luminosity collider, HE RLA)Z’ factory (low Luminosity collider, HE RLA) Higgs factory (extreme cooling, low beta, super-detectors)Higgs factory (extreme cooling, low beta, super-detectors) Energy-frontier muon collider (more cooling, lower beta)Energy-frontier muon collider (more cooling, lower beta) Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 9
LEMC Scenario (2008) Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 10 Muons, Inc. Bogacz Dogbones Scheme
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 11 Neutrino Factory use of 8 GeV SC Linac ~ 700m Active Length Possible 8 GeV Project X Linac Target and Muon Cooling Channel Recirculating Linac for Neutrino Factory Bunching Ring Beam cooling allows muons to be recirculated in the same linac that accelerated protons for their creation, Running the Linac CW can put a lot of cold muons into a small aperture neutrino factory storage ring. Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 12 Muon Collider use of 8 GeV SC Linac ~ 700m Active Length 8 GeV Linac Target and Muon Cooling Channel Recirculating Linac for Neutrino Factory Bunching Ring Or a coalescing ring (also new for COOL07) can prepare more intense bunches for a muon collider µ + to RLA µ - to RLA 23 GeV Coalescing Ring Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010Slava Symposium13 Each particle loses momentum by ionizing a low-Z absorber Only the longitudinal momentum is restored by RF cavities The angular divergence is reduced until limited by multiple scattering Successive applications of this principle with clever variations leads to small emittances for many applications Early work: Budker, Ado & Balbekov, Skrinsky & Parkhomchuk, Neuffer Principle of Ionization Cooling Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 14 Transverse Emittance IC The equation describing the rate of cooling is a balance between cooling (first term) and heating (second term): The equation describing the rate of cooling is a balance between cooling (first term) and heating (second term): Here n is the normalized emittance, E µ is the muon energy in GeV, dE µ /ds and X 0 are the energy loss and radiation length of the absorber medium, is the transverse beta- function of the magnetic channel, and is the particle velocity. Here n is the normalized emittance, E µ is the muon energy in GeV, dE µ /ds and X 0 are the energy loss and radiation length of the absorber medium, is the transverse beta- function of the magnetic channel, and is the particle velocity. Muons, Inc. Bethe-BlochMoliere (with low Z mods)
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 15 Ionization Cooling is only transverse. To get 6D cooling, emittance exchange between transverse and longitudinal coordinates is needed. Wedges or Continuous Energy Absorber for Emittance Exchange and 6d Cooling Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 16 6-Dimensional Cooling in a Continuous Absorber Helical cooling channel (HCC) Helical cooling channel (HCC) Continuous absorber for emittance exchangeContinuous absorber for emittance exchange Solenoidal, transverse helical dipole and quadrupole fieldsSolenoidal, transverse helical dipole and quadrupole fields Helical dipoles known from Siberian SnakesHelical dipoles known from Siberian Snakes z- and time-independent Hamiltonianz- and time-independent Hamiltonian Derbenev & Johnson, Theory of HCC, April/05 PRST-ABDerbenev & Johnson, Theory of HCC, April/05 PRST-AB Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 17 Particle Motion in a Helical Magnet Blue: Beam envelope Red: Reference orbit Magnet Center Combined function magnet (invisible in this picture) Solenoid + Helical dipole + Helical Quadrupole Dispersive component makes longer path length for higher momentum particles and shorter path length for lower momentum particles. Muons, Inc. Opposing radial forces Transforming to the frame of the rotating helical dipole leads to a time and z – independent Hamiltonian b' added for stability and acceptance
Some Important Relationships Rol - 8/3/2010Slava Symposium18 Hamiltonian Solution Equal cooling decrements Longitudinal cooling only ~Momentum slip factor ~ Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 19
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 20 Katsuya Yonehara achievement!
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 21 Personal excitement over recent progress Technology Development Magnets 1 st HCC magnets with NbTi built, iterations underway Final HCC magnets using HTS engineered based on HS Two-coil YBCO HS about to be tested Fiber optic quench protection to be experimentally developed High field magnet development funded by SBIR-STTR RF Cavities First SF6 doping studies support models (which imply beam capability) Beam to the MTA soon Dielectric loaded RF to be tested Engineering solutions for HTS HCC with integrated RF RF power Phase and frequency locked magnetron prototype being built Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 22 Two Different Designs of Helical Cooling Magnet Siberian snake type magnet Consists of 4 layers of helix dipole to produce tapered helical dipole fields. Coil diameter is 1.0 m. Maximum field is more than 10 T. Helical solenoid coil magnet Consists of 73 single coils (no tilt). Maximum field is 5 T Coil diameter is 0.5 m. Large bore channel (conventional) Small bore channel (helical solenoid) Helical Solenoid. Great new innovation! Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 23
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 24
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 25 Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 26 5T Solenoid Pressure barrier Mark II Test Cell MuCool Test Area (MTA) Wave guide to coax adapter Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 27 HPRF Test Cell Measurements in MTA Electrode breakdown region Paschen region Electrode breakdown region Muons, Inc. Paschen curve verified Paschen curve verified Maximum gradient limited by breakdown of metal. Maximum gradient limited by breakdown of metal. Cu and Be have same breakdown limits (~50 MV/m), Mo(~63MV/m), W(~75MV/m). Cu and Be have same breakdown limits (~50 MV/m), Mo(~63MV/m), W(~75MV/m). Results show no B dependence, much different metallic breakdown than for vacuum cavities. Results show no B dependence, much different metallic breakdown than for vacuum cavities. Need beam tests to prove HPRF works. Need beam tests to prove HPRF works. 100 atm
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 28 Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling x Excite ½ integer parametric resonance (in Linac or ring) Like vertical rigid pendulum or ½-integer extraction Like vertical rigid pendulum or ½-integer extraction (Some inspiration from Don Edwards)(Some inspiration from Don Edwards) Elliptical phase space motion becomes hyperbolic Elliptical phase space motion becomes hyperbolic Use xx’=const to reduce x, increase x’ Use xx’=const to reduce x, increase x’ Use IC to reduce x’ Use IC to reduce x’ New Progress by Vasiliy Morozov: Epicyclic Twin Helix Solution. Detuning issues being addressed (chromatic and spherical aberrations, space-charge tune spread). Simulations. Smaller beams from 6D HCC cooling essential for this to work! X’ X X Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 29 Reverse Emittance Exchange, Coalescing p(cooling)=100MeV/c, p(colliding)=2.5 TeV/c => room in Δp/p space p(cooling)=100MeV/c, p(colliding)=2.5 TeV/c => room in Δp/p space Shrink the transverse dimensions of a muon beam to increase the luminosity of a muon collider using wedge absorbers Shrink the transverse dimensions of a muon beam to increase the luminosity of a muon collider using wedge absorbers Allow bunch length to increase to size of low beta Allow bunch length to increase to size of low beta Low energy space charge, beam loading, wake fields problems avoided Low energy space charge, beam loading, wake fields problems avoided 20 GeV Bunch coalescing in a ring Neutrino factory and muon collider now have a common path 20 GeV Bunch coalescing in a ring Neutrino factory and muon collider now have a common path Evacuated Dipole Wedge Abs Incident Muon Beam pp t Concept of Reverse Emittance Exch. 1.3 GHz Bunch Coalescing at 20 GeV RF Drift Cooled at 100 MeV/c RF at 20 GeV Coalesced in 20 GeV ring Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 30 6DMANX demonstration experiment Muon Collider And Neutrino Factory eXperiment To Demonstrate To Demonstrate Longitudinal cooling 6D cooling in cont. absorber Prototype precooler Helical Cooling Channel Use for stopping muon beams New technology Muons, Inc. See Kashikhin, Yonehara, Cummings New Phase I grant with UC to develop ps counters for spectrometers for MANX
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 31
Rol - Dec 1, 2009 MCDW BNL 32 Personal excitement over recent progress (cntd) New Synergies Project-X heeding MC and NF needs Contributing to: H - Source, magnetron, couplers, Mu2e experiment P-X upgrade uses muon cooling techniques, Favorable reviews, but still awaiting Fermilab response to “MANX following MICE” and “Mu2e Upgrade” proposals My lesson – need to have at least two competitors Homeland Security Muons for Special Nuclear Material (SNM) detection Advanced Research Project Administration – Energy (ARPA-E) Accelerator-Driven Subcritical (ADS) Power Generation, and Nuclear Waste Disposal (ATW) Can ARPA-E help fund and expedite more powerful Project-X, to make sure MC and NF needs are met? Muons, Inc.
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 33 Muons, Inc. Luche sto druzei
Rol - 8/3/2010 Slava Symposium 34