How to forecast rice production and consumption in Korea? Tae Ho, Lee
1. The Situation of Production & Consumption Production & Consumption in Korea Data: MAF of Korea
Production & Consumption in Japan Data: General Food Policy Bureau of Japan
2. Rice Accounting production + import + beginning stock = consumption + export + ending stock consumption = production + (import – export) + (beginning stock - ending stock) * * The amount of (beginning stock – ending stock) would be close to 0, if the government keeps “public stockholding” constant.
Estimation of the production Model: small open economy 3 products * (domestic rice, imported rice, other crops), 3 inputs (farm supplies, farm labor, farm land) production = yield x (area harvested) *assuming that domestic rice and imported rice could be differentiated 3. Forecasting production
Estimation of the yield: AR(1) Estimation of the area Area harvested = f (domestic rice price *, other crops price farm supplies price, farm labor price, farm land price, tariff rate, exchange rate) *In a small open economy, domestic rice price = international price x exchange rate x (1+ tariff rate) Q> international price = Heilongjiang price?
Yield Data: USDA
Area harvested Data: USDA
Variation of area harvested Data: USDA
Explanatory variables for the area equation Data: MAF and National Statistical Office of Korea
4. The model for consumption Forecasting the consumption consumption = per capita consumption x population = domestic rice consumption + imported rice consumption population →AR(1) or AR(2) per capita consumption→AR(1) or AR(2) We like to separate domestic rice consumption from the whole consumption
Model : per capita rice consumption = price dependent part + time dependent part example q t = a + bp t + e t e t = c + de t-1 + u t q t : per capita rice consumption at period t p t : price at period t e t : time dependent consumption at period t u t : error
Explanatory variables for the consumption equation Data: MAF and National Statistical Office of Korea
Per capita consumption Data: MAF of Korea and General Food Policy Bureau of Japan
Per capita consumption variation Data: MAF of Korea and General Food Policy Bureau of Japan
Differences in food consumption Data: Korea Rural Economic Institute
5. summary We like to forecast: the area harvested the amount imported effects of government policies and international negotiations problems: Should we install a mechanism in the model through which government policies (such as direct payment) could have an effect on production? What is the international price? How to separate per capita consumption for imported rice from the whole consumption? How to forecast the level at which the downward trend of per capita consumption will be stabilized?