D AY 41/42 I N AP P HYSICS … WHAT A TIME! 1) Turn in STAIRCLIMBER to me 2) Our plan till Quarter 3 3) Next year plans ( does not apply to Julia, Emma, Naz, Twyla, Walter, Isabel, Greg, Caroline, Grace, Miranda, James, and Bryson) but you should think about science as a path. Seriously. Yes, even you. 4) Continue/Start the spring investigation. Note for people that were gone: From the groups today, you might have to schedule a time together (and with me if necessary) to do this.
SO TURN IT IN! DO IT! TO DA CENTER! Turn me from ato a
O UR S CHEDULE : Day 42 (Today): Time in class on spring investigation and graphs Day 43 (Mon/Tues): Idea of a ballistic pendulum, You do tough problems in a non-graded format to understand Day 44 (Wed/Thurs): Review of 2 nd Quarter both by me and by you. Day 45 (Fri/Mon): Start of New Topic: Circular Motion. Idea of circular kinematics.
N EXT Y EAR I will come to you and ask sincerely what you are thinking about for next year and why. This will happen during the period. If unsure and want my advice, ask! Or see me in the AM! You have the ability to change it up through the summer in practice. If you don’t want to continue on in physics, I can accept that. Barely. If you are a senior, you get to ask me any question you want! I don’t have to answer.
SINCE YOU WERE GONE…. YEAH YEAH If you were gone…gotta do the physical activity of springs with me before the midterm.
Now you try…graph if you pulled the mass TOWARDS the wall.
Graph the Velocity in this case if there is energy lost in the system.
Graph the Force if somebody gave it a shove and it stabilized after 2 periods of oscillation.
OH DAMN! We can now rely on drawing DERIVATIVES on the AP Exam (and life).
A vertical spring is stretched 10cm down from equilibrium and released. Which of these is a correct POSITION graph? Left/Right or Both?
Will the position graph we choose have an effect on the velocity graph we make? NO! Its why the derivatives of 9x+6, 9x, and 9x-443 are the same. The ‘vertical shift’ of a sin/cos function does not affect the derivative!
Now show me, where on the KE graph is the mass on the spring at equilibrium?
So where in the Mass’s motion is the spring potential zero?
Now draw the Total Mechanical Energy, Kinetic and Spring energy of a ‘dampened’ system where energy is being lost constantly.
Now you finish the ANALYSIS paper on the back of the packet.