Central Consolidated School District Shiprock, NM Central Consolidated School District Shiprock, NM EspanolaSchool District Espanola, NM EspanolaSchool District Espanola, NM Albuquerque Public Schools Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque Public Schools Albuquerque, NM Gallup-McKinley Co.Schools Gallup, NM Gallup-McKinley Co.Schools Gallup, NM © Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc. August 22,
APS RQC Espanola RQC GMCS RQC CCSD RQC RQC Core Curriculum Strengthening Quality Schools © Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc. August 22,
Key RQC Vocabulary GBEEs – Governor’s Business Executives for Education Appointed by Governor King in 1991, reappointed by Governor Johnson in 1995 to establish a climate for continuous improvement of New Mexico’s education system through the partnership of business, education, and government to achieve “Best-In-Class” results for all students in NM. The Regional Quality Center initiative is a key strategy of the GBEEs. SQS – Strengthening Quality Schools A non-profit organization created by the GBEEs to coordinate support for school districts in the implementation of continuous improvement principles and practices. SQS is specifically charged with management of the RQC initiative including identification of a core curriculum to support implementation of a systems approach. Regional Quality Centers Districts selected based on their need for improved results and their commitment to create and sustain the infrastructure within the district and schools to support a systems approach to continuous improvement of overall system and academic performance, become a role model for and provide support to regional districts. Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc. (JSA) JSA is the approved provider of the SQS core curriculum for RQCs of systems approach training, coaching, and support to ensure that RQCs build capacity to meet the expectations of the GBEEs and the requirements defined in the MOA. © Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc. August 22,
Key RQC Vocabulary SQS Core Curriculum for RQCs A comprehensive and integrated set of trainings, materials, and coaching designed by JSA to support the learning needs of RQC districts to create and sustain the infrastructure within the district and schools to implement and deploy a systems approach to continuous improvement. RQC Demonstration School A school that meets criteria that align to the SQS Core Curriculum for RQCs and to the unique requirements of the RQC district. RQC Demonstration Classroom A classroom that meets criteria that align to the SQS Core Curriculum for RQCs and to the unique requirements of the RQC district. Demo School Designations Have = Proficient; Working Towards = Progressing SQS Site Visit School A school that meets APS RQC Demonstration School Criteria and would provide participants in SQS public workshops an opportunity to see high-quality examples of classroom continuous improvement in action. © Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc. August 22,
Key RQC Vocabulary Technical Support Team Training and Coaching Follow-Up Designed to build capacity in staff who have completed prerequisite training and have had at least nine-weeks to implement ‘lessons learned’ in their own department, school, or classroom. Technical Support Team A group of people (Site Quality Coaches) in the district or building that have been trained and continued to grow in the ability to coach/support implementation of continuous improvement principles and practices. Site Quality Coach Satisfactory completion of technical support team training, willing to coach/support colleagues, committed to improving their own school/classroom to the level of demonstration school/classroom. An IST can also serve as a SQC. Professional Learning Communities Educators committed to working collaboratively in ongoing processes of collective inquiry and action research in order to achieve better results for the students they serve High-Yield Strategies High-yield instructional strategies and supporting activities are those techniques and practices that have proven over time to consistently produce learning—and lots of it! © Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc. August 22,
DISTRICTSCHOOLCLASSROOM Leadership Orientation to Performance Excellence District Strategic Planning Support Staff Orientation Department Improvement Planning and Operations PDSA Projects for Support Staff Leading a Systems Approach District Improvement Coaching District Facilitated System Assessment School Improvement Implementation A Systems Approach to High Performing Teams A Systems Approach to Professional Learning Communities Using Short Cycle Predictive Assessments for School Improvement CCI-ACE Technical Support Team Training TSP-CPE Technical Support Team Training Leading a Systems Approach School Improvement Coaching and Technical Support Team Training Continuous Classroom Improvement (CCI) ACE Teacher and Student Partnerships (TSP) High-Yield Strategies and PDSA Classroom Performance Excellence (CPE) SQS Core Curriculum for Regional Quality Centers © Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc. August 22,
Roles and Responsibilities of Key RQC Partners SQS will… Oversee the plan for operationalizing the GBEEs vision of continuous improvement in NM public education. Coordinate networking and support for RQCs. Manage the RQC accountability system reporting requirements for PED and the GBEEs. Provide the core curriculum for RQCs. RQC Leadership & Staff will… Participate in technical support team training and coaching follow-up sessions Protect and maintain the integrity of SQS RQC Core Curriculum. Support training of district leaders JSA will… Design and develop training and materials that support SQS and RQCs in meeting the requirements of the MOA for implementation and deployment of a systems approach. Maintain JSA trainer to capacity to deliver of any of the SQS RQC Core Curriculum trainings. Build capacity in RQC staff to deliver and coach key components of the core curriculum – CCI, ACE, TSP, CPE, and School Improvement Implementation training. Be available via for trainer/coach support questions. © Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc. August 22,