An Assessment of the Implementation of the Aalborg Commitments in 7 Italian Cities Italian Work Group on “Local Agenda 21 in small and medium-sized cities and towns” Coordinated by Cinzia Zugolaro STUDIO SFERALAB C.So Massimo D’Azeglio 30 – Torino Phone:
The aim of the baseline review Evaluate the implementation of the Aalborg Commitments in 7 Italian small and medium-sized cities: 3 municipalities in the Province of Turin: - Collegno - Nichelino - Giaveno 4 municipalities in Central Italy: - Comacchio, - Umbertide, - San Benedetto del Tronto - Frosinone
The selected Commitments The evaluation activities focused on 3 of the 10 Aalborg Commitments: 4. Responsible consumption and lifestyle choices; 5. Urban Planning and Design; 6. Better mobility, less traffic
In order to assess the environmental sustainability projects, the involved municipalities had to fill out an evaluation form for each project, concerning the goals of the project, the realised actions and the achieved results, measured by specific indicators. The evaluation form EVALUATION FORM Project/activityDescription of the project and its goals Realized Actions List and description of the main realized actions Results/Indicators Achieved results, measured through quantitative indicators Time Project length of time Critical aspectsDescription of the main critical aspects and difficulties
Implemented Projects 4. Responsible consumption and lifestyle choices 47 Projects Waste Management – 19 projects Recycling and Reuse Ecological Islands / Ecocenter Sensibilization Sustainable consumption – 5 projects Green outsourcing Energy Efficiency – 23 projects Installation of photovoltaic systems Energy offices in public administrations (“Sportelli Energia”) Diffusion of low consuption lamps
5. Urban Planning and Design; Implemented Projects 28 Projects Urban Requalification – 23 project Urban planning instruments Environmental requalification and building restoration Sensibilization Sustainable Planning – 5 projects Energy plans Energy sustainable buildings
6. Better mobility, less traffic Implemented Projects 31 Projects Sustainable mobility plans (2) Pedibus/bikebus (3) Bike/Car-sharing (5) Walkway and bikeway networks (3) Park facilities and intermodalities improvements (2) Promotion of lgp and natural gas vehicle (7) Sensibilization in schools (3) Promotion of alternatives to private transports (6)
The results of the baseline review On the whole, 106 environmental sustainability projects, implemented by municipalities and directly linked to the three general commitments, were assessed. Many projects regarded waste management, energy efficiency, sustainable consumption and green purchasing, urban requalification, sustainable planning and the promotion of sustainable mobility initiatives. Moreover, many sensibilization actions were implemented, through the direct involvement of schools and local community. Each project and initiative aimed at pursuing sustainable development by means of concrete and coordinated actions and citizens’ participation.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION For further information, please contact: Cinzia Zugolaro C.So Massimo D’Azeglio 30 – Torino Phone: