Vincent LEINER Clean Transport and Sustainable Urban Mobility The EU, urban mobility and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.


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Presentation transcript:

Vincent LEINER Clean Transport and Sustainable Urban Mobility The EU, urban mobility and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

| 2 Vincent LEINER EU transport policy

| 3 Vincent LEINER EU and transport. Transport is a pillar of all economic, social and culture life in the EU. Shared competence of EU in transport (Art. 4 TFEU), see Title V ("Transport") and Title XVI ("TEN-T"). Objectives: European integration; territorial cohesion; freedom of movement; competetiveness; employment. EU transport policy to 'contribute to a sustainable development of the Union' and to 'protection of the environment and human health'

| 4 Vincent LEINER The Challenges. Better meet the diverse transport and mobility needs of citizens, businesses and industry; offer more and more attractive choices. Reduce the negative impacts of (urban) transport on » Energy-supply security (oil dependence) » Environment » Citizens’ health and well-being » Climate. Commitment in time of economic crises. Success requires integrated, ‘holistic’ approach; cooperation between relevant actors; action at all levels of government

| 5 Vincent LEINER EU and urban mobility

| 6 Vincent LEINER EU and urban mobility. No explicit mention in Treaty. TEN-T to ensure that "citizens and regional and local communities" derive full "benefit from setting up area without internal frontiers". TEN-T primarily about connecting between and to urban areas ("nodes"). Urban areas home of > 70% of population, accounting for >80% GDP. Transport relates to other policy area

| 7 Vincent LEINER ‘Indirect’ EU action on urban transport. Research and innovation: EU-funded R&D projects in the field of urban mobility. European air quality legislation. EURO standards: Reduced tailpipe emissions from road vehicles. ‘Clean’ procurement: Clean and energy-efficient vehicles Directive. Regional development and cohesion: EU funding for urban transport projects in eligible regions. Road safety: Particular focus on vulnerable users in EU Policy Orientations

| 8 Vincent LEINER Short history of EU urban transport policy Transport White Paper recognises importance of urban transport but EU role seen as limited Mid-term review of White Paper Green Paper on Urban Mobility Urban Mobility Action Plan ( ) White Paper: Urban transport mainstreamed Review Action Plan Urban Mobility Package

| 9 Vincent LEINER The 2011 White Paper. Urban transport has been mainstreamed in the EU transport policy and many of the 10 goals and 40 initiatives of the White Paper link to urban transport. » Reduce CO2 emissions by 60% » Halve the use of ‘conventionally-fuelled’ cars in urban transport by 2030; phase them out in cities by 2050; achieve essentially CO2-free city logistics by 2030 » Transition from car-based urban mobility to mobility based on public transport, walking and cycling, and "different" use of cars

| 10 Vincent LEINER The 2011 White Paper. Activities linked to action in urban areas: » 31: Support cities in establishing sustainable urban mobility plans » 32: Present framework for urban road user charging and access restriction zones » 33: Define strategy for moving towards “zero- emission urban logistics” » 16: “Towards a ‘zero-vision’ on road safety, with particular attention to vulnerable users

| 11 Vincent LEINER The 2011 White Paper. Activities linked to action in urban areas: » 22: Promote seamless door-to-door mobility (system for interoperable and multimodal scheduling, information, online reservation, smart ticketing) » 27: Travel information and awareness raising » 30: Eco-driving requirements in future revisions of the driving licence directive

| 12 Vincent LEINER The 2011 White Paper. Activities linked to action in urban areas: » 24: A technology roadmap for innovation » 25: An innovation and deployment strategy » 26: A regulatory framework for innovative transport Activities aim to foster innovation and deployment of urban transport technologies (including vehicles, alternative fuels, management and information systems, etc.) through demonstration projects, standards, smart mobility partnerships, guidelines, public procurement …

| 13 Vincent LEINER Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

| 14 Vincent LEINER Initiative 31: Urban mobility plans White Paper announces Commission intention. to "establish procedures and financial support mechanisms" at European level for preparing Urban Mobility Audits and Urban Mobility Plans;. to "examine the possibility of a mandatory approach for cities of a certain size, according to national standards based on EU guidelines";

| 15 Vincent LEINER Initiative 31: Urban Mobility Plans. to link regional development and cohesion funds to cities and regions that have submitted a current, and independently validated Urban Mobility Performance and Sustainability Audit certificate;. to consider the establishment "of a European support framework for a progressive implementation of Urban Mobility Plans in European cities."

| 16 Vincent LEINER Why SUMPs?. Cities face tremendous challenge: improve urban transport and mobility services, achieve sustainability and mitigate negative impacts. Fundamental transformation is needed. Requires long-term vision for the future; integrated strategy; and plans for implementation. Success crucial for our cities and for reaching key objectives of EU transport policy. Cities need the right tools! EU framework – local plans

| 17 Vincent LEINER So far…. 1998: Citizens' network. 2002: CIVITAS Initiative. 2006: Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment. 2007: Green Paper on urban mobility. 2009: Action Plan - Action 1 "Accelerate the take-up of sustainable urban mobility plans"; ELTIS Plus. 2012: QUEST and ADVANCE: audit tools for assessing urban mobility policies and SUMPs

| 18 Vincent LEINER What is a SUMP? Analysis of an urban transport system; present situation and future needs Vision; long-term strategy; short-term delivery plans Considers 3 pillars of sustainability Policy integration (transport; environment, urban development, land-use, …) Inter-institutional/inter-governmental approach Whole planning cycle including implementation, monitoring, evaluation, revision Participatory approach

| 19 Vincent LEINER What's a SUMP. All transport and mobility to and within an urban area. Transport of passenger; freight; logistics. Balanced treatment of all modes (public transport; cycling and walking; motorised/road). Measures to foster intergration between modes. Measures on Mobility Management. Measure to engage citizens/stakeholders

| 20 Vincent LEINER EU framework for SUMP Establish common criteria for a SUMP Provide cities with an support framework (financial support; networking; guidelines; … ?) Let cities benefit from experience across EU Support cities in achieve their aspirations Strengthen contribution from cities to achievement of EU policy objetives

| 21 Vincent LEINER Moving forward …. Conduct review of the Action Plan on Urban Mobility. Implementation of urban Initiatives of the 2011 Transport White Paper, in particular:. Initiative 31: "[Sustainable] Urban Mobility Plans". Commission intends to present an 'urban transport package' in 2013 and present 'framework for SUMP'

| 22 Vincent LEINER Building on …. Previous and current EU action on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Study (launched in December): » Provide a comprehensive overview of local/urban planning practices and legal requirements in the MS » Assess the impact of the existence of SUMPs for reaching key objectives of EU transport policy » Assess the impact of different policy options

| 23 Vincent LEINER Building on …. Constructive exchange with stakeholders » Internet Survey (as part of on-going review of Action Plan); closed September 2012 » Public Consultation (closed December 2012) » Informal meeting with Member States (December 2012) » Expert Workshop (early 2013)

| 24 Vincent LEINER THANK YOU!. Contact: Vincent Leiner Clean Transport and Sustainable Urban Mobility DG MOVE Additional information: