Sustainable Urban Mobility in Europe Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development Alba Iulia, Romania, 08 April 2014


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Presentation transcript:

Sustainable Urban Mobility in Europe Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development Alba Iulia, Romania, 08 April

Title of the presentation, Speaker, Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Transport in European cities

Title of the presentation, Speaker, Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Transport in European cities - Home to 70% of the EU population - Generating over 80% of GDP - 23% of CO2 due to transport (Cities of Tomorrow, EC, 2011) -Traffic congestion costs 80 billion Euros annually (SEC (2011)358 final) - 38% of Eur. Road fatalities in urban areas

Title of the presentation, Speaker, Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Transport in European cities - Cities are home to 70% of the EU population - Generating over 80% of GDP - 80% of CO2 emissions, of which 23% due to transport (Cities of Tomorrow, EC, 2011) -Traffic congestion costs 80 billion Euros annually (SEC (2011)358 final) - 38% of European road fatalities in urban areas - Far away from 60% GHG reduction by 2050

Title of the presentation, Speaker, Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Mobility: quality of life - Mobility does not stand alone but is embedded in an overall urban planning concept - It is about access: to work, services, education, leisure - Quality of life

Title of the presentation, Speaker, Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Urban Mobility Package With the Urban Mobility Package (Dec 2013) the European Commission reinforces its supporting measures in the area of urban mobility. EC steps up support to towns and cities by Exchange of best practice Enhancing cooperation Providing targeted financial support Investing in Research and Development

Title of the presentation, Speaker, Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Urban Mobility Package Working documents on: Urban logistics Urban access regulations Intelligent Transport System Solutions in urban areas Urban road safety Encourage development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: European Platform on SUMPs as part of Guidelines on developing and implementing an SUMP

Title of the presentation, Speaker, Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans ‘…a strategic plan designed to satisfy the mobility needs of people and businesses in cities and their surroundings for a better quality of life. It builds on existing planning practices and takes due consideration of integration, participation, and evaluation principles.’

Title of the presentation, Speaker, Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: main characteristics Participatory approach; Sustainability: balancing social equity, health and environmental quality, economic development; Integrated approach; Measurable targets, aligned with a vision for transport and embedded in an overall sustainable development strategy; Review of transport costs/benefits, taking into account wider societal costs/benefits, also across policy sectors; A method comprising: 1) status analysis and baseline scenario; 2) definition of a vision, objectives and targets; 3) selection of policies and measures; 4) assignment of responsibilities and resources; 5) monitoring and evaluation arrangements

Title of the presentation, Speaker, Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans Guidelines Not one-size-fits-all Call on Member States

Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 What is Eltis? Eltis is the European urban mobility portal. It offers multilingual information on how to develop urban transport systems that use less energy while improving the competitiveness of urban areas and mobility and quality of life of its citizens. Eltis facilitates exchange of information, experience and good practices in urban mobility in Europe.

Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Who is Eltis for? Technical personnel and managers in local authorities Consultants, NGOs and lobby groups Universities and higher education institutions Eltis is by and for professionals working in the fields of urban transport, environment, regional development, energy and health.

Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 What does Eltis offer? News and events Case studies User Forum Eltis Mobility Update Tools for practitioners EU legislation, policies and funding Statistics Free image and video library Friends of Eltis

Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Friends of Eltis Friends of Eltis are professionals working in urban mobility and related areas that want to actively participate in shaping the urban mobility policy.

Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Benefits of registering as Friends of Eltis Receive monthly e-newsletter 'Eltis Mobility Update' Submit news, events, case studies, tools or events Exchange experience with other Friends of Eltis in the forum Discuss urban mobility topics with peers Comment on other users` submissions Download images and video clips Rate videos and case studies

Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Eltis Mobility Update Eltis Mobility Update is the monthly e-newsletter published free of charge in these languages: EN, FR, ES, IT, DE, PL. Latest developments in urban mobility Scoops on urban mobility news Best case studies Forthcoming events, new tools, employment opportunities and more. Subscribe at or approach me

Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Eltis case studies Present innovative solutions in the field of mobility: Describe what has been implemented Explain why and how it has been done Present the results of the activity and the potential for take-up for other cities Provide additional information via links and occasionally videos

Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Tools for practitioners Online tools, guides and handbooks, that can be used to develop, assess, evaluate and monitor urban transport schemes.

Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Information on EU legislation and funding A comprehensive overview of relevant EU legislation and initiatives, policy papers, good practices and relevant funding possibilities.

Ruud Schuthof, ICLEI, 08 April 2014 Eltis Helpdesk Have a question? Want to participate? Have a suggestion? Contact us at:

Thank you! Ruud Schuthof