Teen Issues S3 PSE Jan/Feb 2014
You should create an information guide on issues which affect teenagers in your local area. Posters should be produced individually.
Topics might include: DrugsAlcohol SmokingLegal Highs PregnancySTIs ContraceptionRelationships FriendshipBullying MoneyCareer options Exam stressParenting Mental healthHome life DiscriminationHomophobia DisabilityInternet Safety Healthy LifestylePersonal Safety Or any other relevant topic
The information guide should contain: As much information on this issue as possible Why this issue is important Who is affected by this issue When people are most affected by this issue What are the consequences of this issue Where can you get support or info (eg websites) Any other relevant information
Notes You will have 3 weeks to complete this task You should complete the planning sheet given as part of the process Your completed work will be peer assessed based on the criteria given You can use information from the internet or media as part of your poster Be creative in terms of graphics, layout and ways of getting across the information