Enhancing Employability What are the issues and challenges Knowledge & skills gained in education system must be responsive to labour market.


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Presentation transcript:

Enhancing Employability What are the issues and challenges Knowledge & skills gained in education system must be responsive to labour market

What needs to be done Invest in education/training system Basic literacy and IT skills essential Education system to include vocational education Skills taught to be matched to business needs

Who takes the lead Government lead to coordinate whole of Government approach Government to consult with employers, workers and community Ownership by all partners

Time frame ? When ? Long term to reform the formal education sector

What are the issues and challenges Assist transition from school to work

What needs to be done Provide work experience opportunities Provide career guidance Develop National skills/competencies framework

Who takes the lead Government lead to coordinate whole of Government approach Government to consult with employers, workers and community Ownership by all partners

Time frame ? When ? Short-term need to improve transition from formal education sector to work

What are the issues and challenges Access to information on jobs and job search skills

What needs to be done Provide information on jobs, vacancies and work experience opportunities Provide job search skills training Analyse supply & demand factors/skill shortages Provide job specific skills training for disadvantaged young people

Who takes the lead Government lead Government to consult with employers, workers and community Ownership by all partners

Time frame ? When ? Short-term need to improve job search skills and job related training Longer-term need to develop job vacancy database and labour market information