10 Successful Online Businesses ENJOY
Very successful online business. You can buy and sell things such as electronics, and house hold items. I have actually never used this site but it seems cool.
One of the most visited websites in the world. Very Successful and even pays certain people for posting on there website. VERY popular for teens!
Used mostly for research or just looking up random stuff. Definitely one of the most famous website in history. Used by students daily for help on assignments and other daily activities.
It’s a great search engine. Created to compete with Google. Wasn’t as successful as Google.
With Wal-Mart online you can order your product and pick up in store. Wal-Mart online is much like the store. My mom has used this before and it works.
MapQuest is used by voyagers. To find their destination. You can type in an address and it will give you directions. Great for leprechauns. (to find the pot of gold)
Craigslist is an online supercenter. The only difference is there is free stuff available. You just put the state and town you live in and they will find stuff close to you.
Yahoo is used for many things. The main thing is their search engine. You can also use it for and news. For Mr. Crane
Mine Craft is a game where people do absolutely nothing. I feel it’s a complete waste of time. Its very sad that they are very successful.
Face Book is a complete waste of time. It was made for people who have no life. People get in fights because they talk trash.