Eric Carle Thematic Unit Kindergarten Presented by: Amy Geis
Telling Time with The Grouchy Ladybug After reading The Grouchy Ladybug students helped list what animals the ladybug met. Then students made their own ladybugs!
Ladybug Math Students wrote an addition problem about their ladybug using the number of spots on each wing.
Science with The Tiny Seed Students learned about seeds and plants after reading The Tiny Seed. Students put bean seeds in a baggie and gave them sunlight, air, and a good place to grow. Students observed the growing beans daily.
Petal Math Students created a word problem with subtraction by creating a flower losing some of its petals.
Writing with The Very Hungry Caterpillar Students made beautiful butterflies and then wrote stories about their creation.
Literacy with The Very Hungry Caterpillar Students read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Then students recalled the items the caterpillar ate each day. Students made their very own caterpillars to represent the sequence of the story.
Writing with The Mixed Up Chameleon Students created their very own mixed up chameleons and explained why their chameleon wanted to change into a different animal.
Writing with The Little Cloud Students read The Little Cloud and made their own clouds with cotton balls. Students explained what little cloud decided to change into.
Art and Crafts with Little Cloud Little Cloud became a tree. Little Cloud became a star. Little Cloud became a dog.
Becoming Authors Students wrote and illustrated their very own books. First students brainstormed the beginning, middle, and end of their story on a story map. Then students created an outside and inside cover to add color and creativity to their stories. Students read their finished books to the class.
Similarities and Differences Students compared Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See? And Panda Bear Panda Bear, what do you see? As a class, students listed similarities and differences between the two books. Later students created a Venn Diagram to record their responses.
Benefits of Thematic Units Encourages student creativity Differentiates instruction Incorporates cross-curricular instruction Utilizes whole group and small group instruction Promotes student development and critical thinking