First Grade Team Mrs. Mary Buchanio Mrs. Dianne Kincaid Miss Jill Thomson Mrs. Karen Wolff Instructional Assistants: Mrs. Ashley Babka
Transitions from Kindergarten to Grade 1 Tables to desks Homework Increased responsibility and independence Learning pace Longer day for some
Typical Day in First Grade Calendar Math Specials: Phys. Ed, Music and Art Literacy: Scott Foresman, Empowering Writers, Rebecca Sitton Science Social Studies
Math Numbers and Operations in Base Ten *Count, read and write numbers to 120 *Place value Operations and Algebraic Thinking *Demonstrates an understanding of addition and subtraction facts to 20 *Applies problem solving strategies using addition and subtraction up to 20 *Writes number sentences using appropriate signs.
Math Continued… Measurement and Data *Graphing *Fractions *Time *Money *Measurement (non standard units) Geometry *2-D and 3-D shapes
Literacy Phonetic Skills/Vocabulary *Phonics and word analysis skills *High frequency words Language *Oral expression *Language and grammar skills *Retelling
Literacy Continued… Reading/Fluency *Story elements, beginning, middle, end, setting and character * Reading fluency Writing *Written expression *Use of language and grammar skills *Spells assigned words *Independent spelling strategies
Science Life Science – plants and animals Physical Science – states of matter Earth and Space- seasonal and weather changes Engineering Design *What purpose do tools and simple machines give? *How do they make our lives better/easier?
Social Studies History and Geography Civics and Government Economics United States Leaders, Symbols, Events, and Holidays Individuals, Families, and Communities Now and Long Ago
Standards Based Report Card Student Responsibilities Specialty Subjects Academic Standards English Language Arts Math Science Social Studies
First Grade Report Card
Standards Based Report Card Rubric 4- The student consistently applies and/or extends key concepts and processes. 3- The student consistently demonstrates proficiency in the standard. 2- The student is progressing toward meeting the standard. 1- The student is beginning to meet the standard with assistance. N/A Standard not assessed this term. * Indicates that 3 is the highest achievable level.
Our Goals for Our Students Build independence Utilize problem solving skills Develop positive peer relationships Continue enthusiasm for learning
Home/School Connection Read every night Practice math facts; build number sense Reinforce importance of student responsibilities: homework, library books, sneakers for gym