Welcome to Singapore Math Parent Workshop! I didn’t learn math this way?! The ins and outs of Kindergarten Singapore math. Ms.Bergan’s Class
Why before how This program… Develops students into capable problem solvers Builds number sense through part-whole thinking Builds an understanding of place value Teaches how to break numbers into ‘friendly’ numbers Very hands-on!
Part A – First part of school year Count and write numbers up to 10 Compare two or more sets to 10 Count and identify 1 more/1 less # order Understand larger # equals a set of more Describe and compare objects by length and weight (standard & non standard measurement) Compare and measure capacity (standard & non standard measurement) Recognizes & names 2D & 3D shapes Extend & describe patterns Identify and sort by attributes Identify objects that do not belong Collect & analyze data
Second part of school year Place value to represent # to 30 Compare two sets of objects Count objects, read and write # to 30 1 more/1 less to 30 # order ( 7 < 10) Use place value # to 100 Number bonds (Part – Whole) Addition/Subtraction within 10 Reasonable estimates Skip counting by 2s, 5,s, 10s to 100 Recognize & know value of coins Count coin combos Understand sequence of events Tell time to hour Sort and classify objects Solve problems (numeric equations) Use boxes or symbols to stand for unknown
Decomposing Numbers: Place Value
Decomposing Numbers: Place Value Lets try one!
Number Bonds Addition & Subtraction Whol e Par t
Number Bonds Addition & Subtraction Let’s Try one! Whole Part 3 2 5
Tens frames Counting, Addition & Subtraction =
Tens frames Counting, Addition & Subtraction =
Manipulatives to support math at home Beans (spray painted on one side) Beads Pipe cleaners Three sided plate Pennies, coins, ect. A deck of cards Dice
Websites to support math at home Illuminations.nctm.org Some of my favorites: Concentration Under the shell Five frame & ten frame Grouping & Grazing
Websites to support math at home Abcya.c om To practice number bonds: ond.html