Automatic motor response to stimuli Produces the same response every time Reflex Arc Step One: Arrival of stimulus and activation of receptor
Step 2: Activate the sensory neuron Step 3: Information processing by interneuron Step 4: Activate motor neuron Step 5: Response by effector (muscle or gland)
Stretch Reflex Automatic regulation of skeletal muscle Allows for posture and balance Doctors use to test condition of spinal cord Ex: Knee Jerk Reflex
Withdrawal Reflex Move body away from stimulus Strong when stimulus is pain Ex: Flexor Reflex Involves a limb Ex: Grabbing a hot pan
Babinski Sign Stroke side of sole of foot—results in curled toes Used to test CNS
Sensation—information gathered by a receptor Can filter out Ex: Feel our clothes? Posterior column pathway Sends fine touch, pressure, vibration and position sensations Sends to primary sensory cortex in cerebrum