Hawaii and Africa By: Maha Khan, Tanisha Nagpal, Sneha Rampalli, Sahiti Seetamraju, Kavya Sreeram
P.E.R.M.S. - Hawaii Political: McKinley Tariff Economic: Sugar cane, coal, sandalwood Religious: Convert Hawaiians to Christianity Military: Bayonet Constitution-Hawaii port Social: Sugar tycoons: Americans Plantation workers: Hawaiians, Chinese, Japanese, and Filipinos SR
King/Queen and Bayonet Constitution Proposed in 1887 Hawaiian League forced King Kalakaua to sign The constitution deprived him of all his power King died, Queen Lili‘uokalani took position Queen wanted to restore monarchy Hawaiian League overthrew queen Queen surrendered and went to jail later M.K
Stevens & Dole and Statehood 1890 - U.S. tariff on imports (McKinley Tariff) 1893 - Queen Lili‘uokalani overthrown led by John L. Stevens and Samuel Dole 1894 - Dole proposed annexation rejected by Grover Cleveland 1898 - annexation of Hawaii by President William Mckinley 1900 - added as territory 1959 - added as a state T.N.
P.E.R.M.S - Africa Political: European power struggle Economic: cheap labor and resources reduce unemployment within Europe ship off “surplus population” Religious: spread Christianity Military: have bases around world Social: Africans cannot have political power racism against those different high status of “French Africans” S.S.
Map Countries Effects of Imperialism Positive Effects… - reduced local wars - hospitals/schools - economic growth Negative Effects… -Loss of: -lives -land -freedom -Cultures Many of the settlers displayed an aggressive racism toward indigenous Muslims and Jews virtually without parallel. European Nations controlled all aspects of the weaker countries, including political, economical and social Africans were easily suspectible to diseases and the europeans has quinine for malaria (cure) Played off african rivalries to keep the africans from uniting Negative -African people lost their land, their independence, their cultures, and thousands of lives due to either disease or war -Division of the continent; boundaries created by europeans posed several problems that are still present today Positive - Reduced local wars - Improved sanitation - Provided hospitals and schools - Increased life expectancy and literacy rates - Economic growth, African products became valued on the international market Although, these are all positives, for the most part, they only benefited european business interests K.S
Works Cited http://www.learner.org/courses/worldhistory/support/reading_20_2.pdf http://chnm.gmu.edu/wwh/modules/lesson9/lesson9.php?s=0 http://exhibitions.nypl.org/africanaage/essay-colonization-of-africa.html