Anselmians RUFC “New” Anselmians ?
Anselmians RUFC Why do we need a new clubhouse?
Anselmians RUFC Despite the rapidly improving fortunes of top-level professional rugby, “community rugby” is floundering. Throughout Britain the number of adult players is declining at an alarming rate.
Anselmians RUFC The sport is no longer a prominent school activity there are so many other diversions nowadays to dilute the pool of available players many clubs are now struggling to field 2 teams We have seen clubs expire and others amalgamate
Anselmians RUFC Blackman Task Force 2000 Key issue – development of facilities Making these available to community Rugby clubs playing a wider role in local community Meeting high expectations of participants and community users & grant aiders
Anselmians RUFC the writing is on the wall for all clubs which fail to respond to the reality of re-sculptured rugby and social landscape.
Anselmians RUFC Conversely: Mini and Junior rugby is growing Social / leisure rugby Women’s rugby
Anselmians RUFC “New” Clubhouse?
Anselmians RUFC front elevation
Anselmians RUFC side elevation
Anselmians RUFC Additional changing facilities needed for growing mini / junior use Potential for female changing Option to segregate facilities Physio & rehab facilities
Anselmians RUFC Ground floor plan
Anselmians RUFC First floor plan
Anselmians RUFC Minimum of 210 seated for formal dinner Dozens more for “informal” do’s – buffets etc.
Anselmians RUFC How much will it cost? Estimated at £450K How will it be financed? Self-generated revenue Bank borrowings RFU interest free loan £100K Grant aid
Anselmians RUFC Bank borrowings Up to 70% of capital value Supported by business plan with sufficient debt service cover Also by liens on our assets Guarantees
Anselmians RUFC How do we service the debt? With the benefit of the new facility, we would need to increase our income to approx. £140,000 p.a How?
Anselmians RUFC Wider Membership Expand “Junior” section Women’s rugby Other Sports (eg Bebington Hockey) Community
Anselmians RUFC Community Use (Hire) – eg. Playgroup Weightwatchers Yoga Local groups Round Table Schools
Anselmians RUFC Hire of Club room Weddings Christenings Funerals Birthdays and anniversaries Etc.
Anselmians RUFC Hire of Ground Concerts Caravans Car boots Fairgrounds Bikers Summer schools Representative games (all levels)
Anselmians RUFC Next Steps Members’ approval Planning Application (Cost c.£1.5K plus Architect’s fees c. £2.5K) Grant aid investigation Fundraising launch
Anselmians RUFC “Development Fund” Transparent Ring-fenced Managed by the Trustees
Anselmians RUFC Members’ Commitment Is there a will to “get involved” Can’t be left to the few Members’ will have to invest in their own club in some way Time, energy, donations, member fees, support of fundraising functions, club administration
Anselmians RUFC Players’ commitment Vibrant teams Winning performances Commitment to club activities Commitment to developing own skills Commitment to helping develop our youngsters
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